Wierdest thing you've ever been told while playing with a yoyo?

My friend- “You got spacers in the yoyo, man. That’s cheating!”
Me: -dismantles alpha crash- "the spacers dont really do anything, it’s the bearing that most people say is-

AMAZING. As a very cynical student… Even more amazing!

When a girl asks what more amazing things can I do with my hands.


who are you trying to lie to on an internet forum about yoyos dude…

I know right. Who am I kidding. Even I couldn’t believe my own words. But still, a dude can dream.

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We all know bout this life mah dude #thestruggleisreal

“I don’t know if I should be impressed or weirded out that your good at that”

This was when I showed my good friend that I yoyo, after 6 months of doing it.

OH. I just remembered what A LOT of people tell me.

Something along the lines of, “Can you use your yo-yo as a weapon?”

I also get a lecture about Filipinos and how they used to use yo-yo’s as weapons.

“Sir, I’m going to tell you again, Ms. Knowles does not have time to see your tricks.”

When it doesn’t auto return; “your yoyo is broken”

“is that a yo-yo?”

no it’s galactic starship durrr

“wow you must not have a girlfriend”

wiggled my wedding band whilst doing a plastic whip…ahhh silence

Can I take a turn? I’m way better than you! “I guess” drops on the ground and can’t get to come back up.

What’s that one called? Your magic.

Best ever!

I get “can you walk the dog?”


And a little kid said, “Is that like a diabolo?”
strangling sounds

(on an unrelated note ALOT of peeps say im never getting a GF if I throw at all… oh and after i do something like yuuki slack, they just are bored and walk away and watch somebody text or something… sigh )

I’m getting that reaction a lot lately…

Like others, I get a lot of “Is that a yoyo?”

I kind of get it. These are wide, don’t have flat sides (unless you have one with caps!), have smaller diameter, and don’t just go up and down. But I can’t help always wondering to myself (even though I do NOT say anything to their face to make them feel bad about the question): “What else would it be?”

I had mentioned to my wife that kendama is all the rage right now with throwers. The next day she was out jogging and saw a kid playing with a kendama, so she asked him “do you yoyo, too?” He didn’t. I like to think that on kendamaexpert.com he’s posted that story in the “Weirdest thing you’ve been told while playing with a kendama?” thread.


I laughed 10/10

“Is it still turning?”

Someone else- “It does that automatically.”
Me- “Yup, I had wires implanted in my arm so I can do this.”
Someone else- (In a completely straight face) “That must have been expensive…”
Based on the person who said this, I am positive they were serious.

I was at my church and a kid who is regularly amazed by me comes up
Kid: “do you just like live here and yoyo”
me: “ya bro, i have food and school delivered to me and sleep in the backroom. Spend the whole day practicing”

He believed me for a good 5 seconds before figuring it out, lol.