Why won't my yoyo bind

I am used to responsive yoyo, I just got a unresponsive yoyo and when I bind it always tilts and false of the string, can someone help me?


Hey man, share a video of what is happening and we can all help you :slight_smile:


Don’t get surprised I am a kid

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Your throw probably is not powerful enough. I am assuming you are throwing downward. If it just lightly glides down the string it will not be spinning fast enough in order for a bind to work properly. Practice throwing good hard sleepers and watch Andre’s bind videos right here on YYE. Don’t get discouraged!


Thanks you are a god buddy!:slight_smile:

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And go on youtube and type in “yoyo bind” - it is helpful to watch a bunch of people teach. You WILL get it!!!

Thanks @ChrisFrancz for giving me tips!:slight_smile:


Being a kid doesn’t matter. Yoyos can not tell how old we are. The best people on this forum are young enough to be my grandchildren.


Me know thanks😁

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I hope you don’t totally bail on the responsive. It can be really helpful to practice, especially in the beginning.

However, we’re all different, and we all get there in different ways, so whatever keeps you excited and motivated is most important.

As has been said, the tutorials here are great.

Also, Gentry Stein just started a new series, and will be adding videos daily: https://youtu.be/J3UaiSg3DDI


Yay thanks



It sounds like you might be beyond the first two episodes, but I think they’re still worth watching. In particular, here https://youtu.be/q272a3k_73g?t=272 Gentry talks about how to get a good throw, and does a nice job of it.

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Hey kid, your brain is a sponge right now, unlike many of us, whose brains are starting to or have already petrified, turning to rock. You have an advantage over most of us BECAUSE your a kid, so keep at it and you’ll surpass many of us in no time. Good luck!


I assume you are using your N11. As the kids say, it can be a bit “slippy” when trying to bind. Of all my throws (granted I don’t have a ton) it takes the most finesse to bind.

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Thanks guys for the courage😁

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I was trying to teach my sister how to bind and she was having the same problem with the yoyo tilting. It tilts because you rub the string on the side of the yoyo. What you need to do is line up the string perfectly in the gap then it won’t tilt.


Very thanks @malachigutwein

Tell us when you got it down!

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Ok probably like tommorow

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