What I’d really like to see is the return of the Friction Sticker + Super Glue Starburst w/ Grains of Sand in them response.
Sort of off topic, but do any of you happen to know which size bearing the Henry’s Cobra uses?
Yup! Razor blade or X-Acto blades to flush trim them was totally essential haha! I did so many o-rings that way. A few times I sanded them down but the razor blade was more effective.
I remember back in the day Takeshi used to use an x-acto on his lathe to cut in some of his recess mods haha! It was so sketch but it worked!
I used a Dremel on a mini drill press to rout the response groove in these FH Zeros back in the day. Flowable silicone in there makes a great response system. Plays great to this day.
Also, replaced the o-ring response in this X Convict with flowable. It made the response more consistent, especially with the wider gap shims.
Enjoy the throw my friends