Can't Replace Response Pads with O-Rings :(

This is just in case someone else tries to replace the response pads on the Sage (OneStar) with O-Rings. It doesn’t work - the o rings are too thick and the response pad grooves are too shallow.

I didn’t like the idea of replacing my pads every few weeks so I thought I’d try o-rings which people say last forever. No go. So unless I’m willing to swap out new response pads all the time, I’m sticking with o-ring yoyos in the near future…

Ooh really now…

your gonna stick an o ring in a flat response yoyo and then complain about it. Just brilliant mate…

O rings while people do say that last long said that when they first came out. I don’t know why you thought this was a good idea but the response thats out today is way better then o rings. First of o rings can give a bit of vibe from my experience. Second there are very few yoyos made today with o rings. Third they aren’t that great of response.

Now to address the flat response. your not going to have to replace response all the time. Some of my pads on my yoyos have been on for two years and honestly it isn’t that hard to replace response. just buy pads from yyf or get monkey snot and use flowable silicon. Its not a pain to do and its pretty easy.

You really need to not just assume that your gonna stick to o ring yoyos because they last longer. I don’t know where you got that information but just send it back there and leave it. Restriction yourself to o rings only is going to majorly dampen your experience because youll be constantly searching for yoyos with them. Then your gonna complain about why no one makes o ring yoyos that much anymore.
O ring in my opinion is not superior in any way shape or form to flat repsonse or flowable silicon.

Case and point. Bhuddas revenge was originally named that because if you did it wrong with the older yoyos you would smash your fingers. Those older yoyos used cork and o ring responses. not to mention they had smaller gaps then what we have today.

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I had asked Adam Bottiglia on yotricks whether or not I could use flowable silicone on the Sage (OneStar). He said it would probably peel off. Moreover, I’ve seen others ask around whether or not we could use flowable silicone on responsive yoyos and the idea I got was that it was mainly for unresponsive throws.

So if you could give me a suggestion to make a long lasting response system on the OneStar that currently uses 19mm blue response pads, I would be very grateful.

so part of the reason flowable wont work on the sage is because the recess for it is really smooth… take a piece of sandpaper and and rough it up in there and it should set a little better.

Also yoyo factory sells pre made pads here on this site

^this is the link^

its pretty easy to replace the pads and btw the natural color ones (not the white ones) last the longest for me…

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O-rings are long lasting and do the job. Currently the only production yoyos I know of that use o-rings are made by YoyoJam. The current flat pads they use are very durable and can be used in place of o-rings in their older models. They are basically flat o-rings.

The YYJ O-Rings that come stock in the Classic will fit in the One Star. I just tried and they worked perfectly. You can probably find similar sized o-rings at your local hardware store.

Unfortunately I did give you some bad advice in a different thread; the Crucial o-rings are larger than I thought and will not fit the One Star.

Were you talking about the Crucial o-rings? Did you buy them from us? If you did, I would be happy to refund your purchase since I recommended the wrong product. Just let me know!

Thanks for that! It so happens that I just received my YYJ Classic from you guys. So let me play around with the o-rings and see how it works :slight_smile: .

You’re right, they work perfectly! Looks like I bought the YYJ Classic just to use its o-rings in the OneStar :smiley:

I got my other o-rings from the hardware store. #11 - but though they were the right diameter, they were simply too thick…

Great! And now that you have the correct size o-rings from the Classic you can probably find them at the hardware store if you need more.