Why The "Peak 2" Dislike? / P3AK HYP3 Thread!

Never mind


I guess the best way to see which one of us is right is if CLYW releases a 1:1 remake and a P3ak and sees which sells better :sunglasses:


And hopefully those are one and the same

Nah if you rename it, it better do something different.


I personally would love a aluminum that plays like the plastic peak. Iā€™ve never played an og peak but can see myself buying a rerun of the 3rd run just to see what the hype is about. I can also see people hating a rerun bc it lacks ā€œsoulā€ even if the cad is the same.


Think of the collectorsā€¦

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Lolā€¦ I am one :joy::sweat_smile:

Iā€™m uninterested in a re-run of the OG Peak. Iā€™m sure people would like to understand what the fuss was about but Iā€™ve little interest in looking backwards. Peak 2 is a decent yoyo.

EDIT - It is confusing why they re-release the Campfire and Avalanche but not the Peak, however.


If the Peak was reran with the same old CAD I think thatā€™d be a cool 20th anniversary thing. Would be a fun collector/celebratory release while giving old Peak fans the nostalgia and letting new players try out the hype.

But also if it didnā€™t have the Peak name attached, I think players without any nostalgia would probably just say it sucked. I got a Canvas recently and thatā€™s kinda how I felt about it. Itā€™s not a bad yoyo, but itā€™s also not special enough to warrant the insane price tags. If they released the Peak again with the same CAD and same name, itā€™d be carried by people thinking ā€œthis is an iconic classic yoyo, so itā€™s greatā€ rather than genuinely liking the yoyo for how it plays within the current year.


Not sure on the Campfire? Nice little yo-yo, regardless.

I already mentioned that I gave all three of my Original Peaks away. But that being said, I still have my Original Avalanche. And it certainly plays better than the Original Peak.

Iā€™ve never really thought about why they re-released the Avalanche?

But possibly related to its superior performance.

The Original Sasquatch plays better than the Original Peak, also.

And the Chief plays better than the Original Peak.

Kinda see a pattern, here. :nerd_face:

Your opinion may differ.

But the Original Peak is timeless. When it came out, there was ā€˜nothingā€™ like it. It was an Instant Legend.

And those were the formative years of metal yoyos. Many people/players didnā€™t care that it wasnā€™t a trick machine. They enjoyed the challenge of getting the most out of their Peaks.

The Peak felt good. It looked good. And once people locked in to its imperfect characteristics, it didnā€™t matter. People played their Peaks and most loved their Peaks and still do.

Back when the Original Peak was released, I was pretty much a yo-yo modding machine. Most of the younger crowd no doubt has very little knowledge or interest in my prolific modding stage of life. But I was known to cut up just about anything to see what would happen, lol.

When Chris released the Original Peak, I just knew it was gonna be something.

I was already doing bi-metal mods at the time, but passed on cutting and fitting rings to a Peak, because it just seemed like a sin at the time. The Peak was the Peak and just didnā€™t need a ā€˜Tweakā€™.

I think the Original Peak was a Benchmark upon release. It was an announcement of sorts.

To me, it basically announced that CLYW was stepping into the metal yo-yo game. And Chris was coming in wearing Big Boots.

And he has never looked back. Look at the CLYW catalog of Amazing yo-yos.

One of the latestā€¦. the Swan, is an Outstanding yoyo. So far, it hasnā€™t seemed to make much of a splash. But it is a top shelf design. But where CLYW ā€˜isā€™ now, circles back to where they started their trend of influential yo-yo designs.

It does feel sorta unusual that I have over 1500 yo-yos, but not a first run Peak?

I didnā€™t give them away because I didnā€™t like them. At the time, I just felt good giving them to people that really wanted them more and would probably enjoy them more.

That said, I do have a hot pink Peak 2. And a raw Titanium Peak. And a purple dusted Titanium Peak.

Of all my tonna yoyos, you will never see any of those 3 yoyos for sale. So, Iā€™m good therešŸ˜Ž



I have at least 1 of every CLYW throw, Iā€™m a fan. I kept at least 1 of each run of Peak. The re-release Avalanche plays more like the original over the redo and have ca. 50 Chiefs as my personal favourite.


No one has mentioned the time gap and advances in mfg technology. Even if they do a 1:1 with the original CAD, I think the machining will play a significant enough roll in making it play ā€œdifferentā€. The raw material may even change this. Heck, the OG CAD file will have better digital resolution.

With what ever decision is made, Iā€™ll be happy. I donā€™t own either the OG or the Peak 2. I did get to play the OG at world and it was just as I imagined it would be.


Levi Painted P3aks strung with G string and everyone is happy.


I donā€™t think the Canvas was ever considered ā€œgoodā€ really. It came out when Jensen was the most popular player and CLYW yoyos were reselling for over retail so there was just a lot of hype.

Last idea and Iā€™ll shut up on the subject @unklesteve

I definitely want whatever you guys have in store for the P3ak.

I also would love a rerun of the OG.

Could you guys consider a Kickstarter for the rerun?

The numbers would show if itā€™s warranted as to wether the goal is met, and keeps you guys from losing money on the venture. It would also appear your fan base that is adamant about wanting such.

It would also be neat to maybe make a poll on here as to what the community wants for the Kickstarter. Lower cost through current manufacture or higher through Onedrop. I am adamant that performance would be equivalent either way, I just say that because I prefer the proprietary aluminum Onedrop uses and the prospect of Gruntbull anodizing.


I love how this seemingly eternal yo-yo feud comes back in different forms.

The good yoyo vs good yoyo debate, made even more chaotic by improved design and machining.

Itā€™s funny to me that itā€™s still ongoing despite 90% of yo-yos being better than any yoyo that was around when the Peak dropped.

Some people just appreciate different things in yo-yos. When CLYW started it was the transition into metal yo-yos as the standard and they were a big part of that. But there was much more cohesion between ā€œfunā€ or aesthetically interesting yo-yos and competition yo-yos then, it wasnā€™t really an either/or situation.

Now it feels like a lot of people expect every yo-yo to perform like a contest winner even if thatā€™s not the objective of the yoyo itself, just because the performance standards have been raised so high.

Fortunately there are a lot of options now, you just have to recognize whether or not what youā€™re buying matches up with your expectations. Which may mean accepting certain brands that are popular with mid school and older yoyoers might not be popular for the same reasons as a Turning Point.


I think we just need a Peak MG @jeffreypang911 with a Micro-Arc Oxidation Ceramic Coating it would already be white. Please take my Money :moneybag: :money_mouth_face:




Pang n Steve, PLEASE


Freehand MG is my all-time favorite yo-yo. I have never tried a peak though. :thinking:

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I donā€˜t really understand the need to fix its weight distribution. My white OG still plays fine today.

If this yoyo is not intended to be a performance stage yoyo, it does not need to have the most efficient weight distribution at all.