Why is the yo-yoing community so small?

I just want to learn magic drop consistently so I can complete kamikaze!!
lol what a pain I’m having with this! >.<’ I got the rejection part, get it to happen just about every attempt. It’s landing on the back string that’s holding me way back.

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If you can do that long of a combo you can probably start looking into more advanced elements and tricks.

I feel like you’re overdue on learning stuff like laceration and you can probably even start working on Brent stole and hook


Low threshold for sex appeal - skating and playing guitar are still king in that department

That’s honestly one of the main reasons why dudes do anything…to attract females :rofl:


Lowkey facts :joy:


Pshaw this is super appealing


Have you ever read the posts about how irritated yoyoers become when yoyoing in public and someone asks a question or makes a comment? Have you noticed how irritated yoyoers become when yoyoing in public and nobody notices? IKR! :man_shrugging:

I’ve introduced yoyos to high school and college students that have never touched a yoyo. Just sayin times are changing.


I often wonder how many people lurk here. I’m typically a lurker, I’ve had a reddit account for 8 years, never posted, still have 1 karma. I don’t like posting in public forums, even though I’ve been on them since the bbs and usenet days. Something about the YYE community makes me feel like I’m conversing with a group of people who I may not always agree with, but I’d get along with regardless.

One thing I like about this forum is its like someone took all the better parts of old school forums and added the better parts of more modern social sites. We don’t compete here for meaningless internet points, which eliminates a lot of negative behavior and encourages real conversation instead of attention seeking. I really enjoy and value this. Kudos to @codinghorror and the discourse team, @AndreBoulay, @YoYoExpertGarrett and the moderators for working together to create this community.

I would like to see the hobby grow to benefit the fantastic vendors and makers who support this hobby. But I’d hate to lose the small town feel of this forum, which would inevitably happen if it grew to thousand of posters. The fallout of the last yoyo boom is what led me to disengage from the yoyo community before, I kept throwing but I ignored the yoyo world from ~2003-2018. To satisfy both desires, I try to find those who might actually embrace the hobby like most of us here and give them a couple yoyos. I also take the time to teach enough basics to get started.


Much love for the YYE family! This forum is so much fun! Can’t wait to meet some YYE peeps in person at WYYC!!! We are all glad you stopped lurking and started posting @d34dj3d!!!


At contests I’m always amazed at the amount of people who come up and mention they are on the forums but don’t really post, etc. I think in many online communities this is true and not really a bad thing. You hit on something that has always been so important here - in that we really try to keep it a true community and friendly/welcoming/helpful, etc. It is not always easy to keep that balance with strong personalities! Haha. :wink:

Thanks for this post!


Yeah I’ve been on reddit a long time and you’d be amazed how few people comment, even those that view a post and upvote it.

The ratio is literally like 5,000 to one on popular posts and it’s not as rare as you would think to find an account of someone who has spent 30 minutes a day on reddit for 6 years and they have like 20 total comments.

I’m sure you guys have a better idea based on your sales. I wonder in a typical week how many shipments you send to someone who has never bought anything on YYE before


The only reason I joined the forum initially was just to learn about strings tbh, but I quickly found out that is is an awesome group of people! There are Good conversations, even when people disagree, it always stays civil and relatively mature lol. This is definitely a nice little niche of a hobby with lots of great people!