We’ve never seen the Man, the Myth, the Legend in action. @codinghorror @TheYoyoer27
There are undoubtedly many people on this forum you haven’t seen yoyo. Some folks don’t video themselves yoyoing. Why single out one person?
Well, we’ve seen his son killing it at a talent show!
He’s a humble man who’s happy coding and playing in the dark.
I will never film myself while I throw yo
Don’t want to sound like someone Kissing butt, but I genuinely really think that he is cool and makes a big impact on the yoyoexpert community. Just want to see him do some sick tricks . Sorry @codinghorror if it feels like I’m singling you out. Don’t mean to
True true
You didn’t sound like that at all. Your curiosity about him is well justified. He’s a very famous person in the online yoyo community (and in other places too, i mean, famous enough to have a wikipedia page about him) and his personality, opinions and the way he interact with others makes him stand out, in both nice and not so nice ways. So, it’s only natural for people to wonder about his yoyoing.
Oh, mostly because I’m not very good. I learn like one new trick every six months, if that.
If everyone likes you, you probably aren’t doing anything very interesting.
My take on that is that we all are flawed human beings and it is practically impossible to be liked by everyone, lol.
I’m sure you know more than you realize!
do one trickcircle.
He doesn’t really exist. He’s an AI bot that passes himself off as real.
No bot could be this annoying! That takes a human touch…
That is exactly what an AI would say…
It’s important to remember that there are a ton of ways to both enjoy yoyoing and to contribute to the yoyoing world. Being able to do “sick tricks” (or having interest in videoing yourself) isn’t required for either.
Some of the people who have given the most to the yoyo community/industry over the years would be called mediocre throwers by anyone who aims for contest level tricks. Some of the most amazing throwers I’ve ever met just don’t care about the internet or social media vid clips and rarely (if ever) record themselves.
Lots of ways to enjoy this silly wonderful hobby.
I yoyo as a stress reliever, other than that pretty private thrower.
A Wiki page, for real? That’s pretty cool my man, whatever you’re doin… Keep doin it #Brofist #Dadlife #Spookyghostdrippywiththesauce
i wanna see jeff at bac 2019