why does everyone like undersized throws?

No, they sell at roughly the same price. There are some exceptions (Popstar)

I prefer undersized yoyo’s, because they look cooler (IMO) you can fit them into your pocket easier, and they weave through the string easier. But from my understanding, a lot of people prefer full sized yoyo’s.

It seems to me that right now many people much prefer full to oversized yo-yos. That is what seems to be mostly coming out and many reviewers state plainly that they don’t like smaller throws as much so it’s hard to even find (IMO) good reviews of smaller yo-yos done my official review sites.

I personally really like undersized yo-yos and even micro ones, but I have uncommonly small hands for an adult probably.

My pleasure.

I realize I haven’t contribute to the original topic, I like fullsize more, but I throw undersize sometimes for variation.

for me, fullsize throw felt more stable and has longer spin.