Why are CLYW yoyos so popular?

The Cliff is my last choice of a CLYW I would buy. Rumours are that it’s being discontinued and even shadier rumours indicate that Kavka is getting a mo’ different signature model. All indicators that while the Cliff has its fans, it’s hardly the epitome of the CLYW experience.

A lot of people are going to say The Chief is still the yardstick CLYW experience and I wouldn’t say they’re wrong. It’s a brilliant all-arounder while at the same time having a comfortable (and comforting!) feel all its own. It’s about as stable as a yoyo can get while avoiding that “rim-heavy” feel that most competition yoyos have. It’s a great yoyo.

For me, though, it’s still all about the OG Puffin. The Puffin 2 gets a lot of play from me as well, and on paper is the better of the two yoyos. But the original Puffin has a charm that I still love. What it lacks in competition-level stats (it’s not an absolute champion yoyo for spintime, stability, horizontal play, or fingerspins… though it’s “fine” at all those things) it makes up for with character and feel.

But that’s just me. Puffin has its healthy share of detractors, too. The safe money is still on the Chief as the all-around CLYW experience.

  1. my post wasn’t directed at you. It was something I’ve noticed about the community. Yoyoer’s tend to disparage companies that they don’t play or have used very little. It gets old. Sweeping statements about companies get old.

2)I’ve never thrown CLYW. So they don’t make my favorite products.

  1. Never called you a “hater”.

My statements weren’t meant as personal attacks. I’m not mad at you.
I there’s no beef between us.

I just feel that people on these forums often give companies a bad rap after trying like one of there throws. I feel that yoyoers should try to promote yoyo as much as possible, instead of going out of there way to put down certain brands.

He was referring to me.

Get a Chief, Bonfire or AC2. The Avalanche is pretty good too.

or a puffin and gnarwhal
smooth throws

Jensen Kimmit

seriously it’s all psychological and built upon hype

i like them though (team and all). nice people too but there are cheaper yoyos that outplay the conventional clyw throw

i think it’s hilarious when 15 yr old kids rename their usernames to “clyw(name)” and they try to brown nose their way into a sponsorship that’s never going to happen lmfao. especially that nehemiah and noah kid LMAO

nonetheless they are high quality although i’m kinda over them now

Because they’re so expensive.

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Gonna toss out that I’ve disliked most CLYW releases. The avalanche is probly my favorite but I haven’t tried their latest stuff like the puffin 2 and arctic circle. Chief is a great casual throw for me too. Absolutely hate the feeling of the peak myself but it’s of course preference for everyone. I think it’s just people who don’t want to admit that it sucks after spending so much money for a yoyo. Especially if they want to sell it for what they paid they’re not gonna say it’s terrible. As for splash there were a couple companies that put out splash before CLYW. Alex kim for example did some splash bio malleus and gears along with the ego’s so they’re definitely not the first but everyone says they’re what made it popular and almost all other companies that did it before have been pushed aside.

Peaks were ahead of it’s time back in 06 but definitely feel like an outdated design nowdays but I still really love the feel of them and it’s one of the most comfy yoyos I own to throw(favorite shape+feel).
I’ll agree that Peaks are definitely not worth 300$+ playwise but they are more of a collectors item.

Yeah CLYW weren’t the first to splash but they were the first ones to do a worldwide release on a modern yoyo with splash and popularized it. Tom Kuhn’s SB2 was the first one I think?

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Every time I read one of your posts you get closer and closer to being my favorite stranger. Palli is such a boss. :wink:

My problem with them being collectible is there’s so many of them. I understand the 28 stories and OG being rare but all the other colorways like the sebby and whatnot bringing such a high price these days just because they’re a peak is what’s so crazy. I was always more of an oxy fan back when the peak released.

Oh god not this again.

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This. But they are fun, and they are NOT Japanese high performance throws. They have different personalities. They are not YYR or TP and that’s fine CLYW makes yoyos that people like because of their quirkiness, and not necessarily because of the flat out robot like performance.