Who Wants A Trinity?

i know

I mean their are tons of similiar profiled yoyos that all play totally different, Hatrick, Planet 9, Bapezilla, Just to name a few. And I assure you all feel different than the others in some form.



Wow “SARCASM THAT’S ORIGINAL” ;D I just had to do that. But really think about the arguement here sure they look the same, but they could still be worlds apart. Different Materials different response, all of this makes for a very different throw.

Also throw your Dark magic if you have it. I swear it gets better if you keep throwing it. I disliked mine at first, but now I kinda like it A LOT. ;D ;D ;D

What an unforgiving throw o.o Due to the construction and design this thing spins forever, but it doesn’t really feel like anything else. And because of the high walls it can tilt if you aren’t keeping your string close enough. But if you polish well enough, I’m getting 3-4 minute combos with the speeder bearing it came with… and now it’s responsive… guess I should clean the bearing o.o

I kinda lol’d when i searched youtube for a trinity vid and this was the only one.

Woow…I about died laughing when she about hit her face in the end