YYJ Trinity

My friend just recently got the new YoYoJam Trinity and i got to use iit for a while.

A little about it, it is the third in the series of Andre’s signiture yoyos. First came the Dark Magic, next came the Legecy, now is the Trinity. All three are manufactured by the company YoYoJam.

First off i have to say its more than just an all metal DM. It has a longer sleep time, wider gap, different response, and had more weight on the rims. It was smooth and pretty quiet. It was good for thumb grinds too. Im not sure why but when bindng the string doesnt ever really catch too much. The only thing i dont like is when i have to unscrew the yoyo to get a knot out, its a PAIN to screw it back together for some reason. First time it took me 3-4 minutes to do it.

EDIT: forgot one important detail. When i thumb grinded the paint was coming off onto my thumb

Not well explained





Ill cut you some slack since you didn’t buy it yourself