who is multi lingual?

I speak fluent Tagalog! Filipino throwers are very rare.

I’m Filipino but only my dad speaks it :stuck_out_tongue:

…does a teeny tiny bit of Indian Sign Language count?

ROCK ON! I’m filipino too! anyone near sf?

I do but I’m not Philippino. I’m Chinese and Japanese, and can speak Mandarin, English, Hainan( chinese dialect), can translate Burmese, and a bit of Spanish.

English, Spanish, and Hindi here.

I can speak fluent English and Fujianese.

日本語大好き ;D ;D ;D
(translation: I love Japanese)

I can’t speak anything but English, both versions, and only a bit of Spanish.

Both versions bro? Don’t think so, and you can say like3 sentences in Spanish. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think he was referring to my post about English English and American English.

Yeah, he doesn’t talk like that.


JK, I know un bit di italiano, but that’s it.

I’m surprised by the diversity here! But no one speaks italian? :frowning: Sono triste.

American Sign Language ;D

English and french flunently, some basic japanese. (Kanji is imossible)

demo mada jouzu jya arimasen
でも、まだ じょうず じゃありません
That’s the actual way to write it down :]

Anyways, I’m bilingual as I know Filipino[Tagalog] and English. I’m learning Japanese on my spare time but I’ve taken classes so I have a solid grasp of grammar. Need to develop my vocab moar.

OP, for learning Japanese…learn your hiragana/katakana as soon as possible. Romaji can only go so far and it’s a horrible crutch. Get in the habit of using kana :]

I can speak Japanese and Mandarin Chinese in addition to English.
I’m not that good though…

I speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Fujionese, English, and a little Korean and Japanese
And taking French in school

I speak both English and Spanish, but I plan on learning French and Italian when I am older. God Bless - Moefv