What languages are you learning? Polyglots rise up

I’m currently studying Spanish (which I’m semi-fluent in) and Finnish (which i am brand new to)!

What languages do you know? Which ones are you learning?


I think I’m getting decently fluent in 1a like can hold a conversation. Working hard at my 3a fluency but it’s harder and needs a lot of repetition and practice so progress is slow but w/e progress is still progress. I know a few words of 2a, 4a, and 5a but rarely practice those. Oh and decently fluent at 0a but could use a lot more work there also.


Greek is my mother language, I speak french at a native like level and I am fluent in English.

In yoyoish, I am proficient in 1a and intermediate in 5a!


I speak conversational Korean and I’ve been slowly working on Cantonese. Would love to learn more of it and Mandarin but for some reason struggling with the motivation on them.


I am learning French
“J’aime le fromage”=“I love the cheese”


Been working on learning python for half a decade :slight_smile:


This is a language too, i suppose!

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How did you learn Korean?

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I used to live there for a few years actually and learned it there! Ended up taking several classes in it when I came back to the states and just practiced with people as I had the chance to, especially with friends that came back to the states to go to the same college as me. I think I was only a class or two away from a minor in Korean but that’s okay. You thinking of learning Korean?


English, Pig Latin

I used to be rather fluent in ubbi dubbi but it’s been many years since I spoke it. Would probably need some practice to be proficient again.


Im working on Spanish. But i forget to do Duolingo lessons a lot so i keep getting angry Duolingo emails! :rofl: :rofl:


I would like to for my gf and her family, but idk how realistic it would be just using Duolingo and watching shows to get to a speaking level.


Definitely great places to start! There are some great Korean grammar books like Korean Grammar in Use that could be worth looking into as well. I used those a bunch and they have very widely used grammar, sentences and vocab that could be helpful especially in the beginner and intermediate books. TV shows are also a great way to learn everyday Korean depending on which ones you watch and assuming you are actively learning vocab and sentence structure while you watch. Practicing talking with people in the language helped me out a lot, and I’d tend to bet your gf would be so excited to see that you want to learn her language, it matters so much to people, especially if you’re learning it to talk to them and their family. It can be awkward and challenging at first but be patient, keep trying, and steadily learn and before you know it you’ll start to understand more of what’s going on and start being more comfortable forming sentences and being a part of the conversation. You’ve got this!


Im running from doudingo since i missed a couple months of spanish :grimacing:

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I’m bad at every language I try. But I’m working on my Spanish (what I’m most familiar with aside from English), French and German. I know three sentences in each.

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Thanks for the resources! I’ll check them out.


Currently learning bahasa malay coz our suppliers from malaysia can’t speak english very well :sweat_smile:

I feel like a preschool kid who can only speak basic stuff from greetings to common words that used in everyday basis


This morning i got a Duolingo email that said my Spanish skills are moldy with tis emoji :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: five times and then it told me to practice for at least 20 minutes today :joy: :joy:


English (fluent) Spanish (almost fluent) ASL (I know enough to communicate basic needs and conversations) Japanese (same as asl) German (basically nothing)

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My mother language is Italian, than I can speak English, Spanish I can read and understand what someone is saying at 100% (even watch movies) but I am not that good at speak and same with French.

Than even if useless I can speak the little language in the island where I am from called Sardinia, this language is in so many ways is so close to Portuguese.