Me? I’m starting my first college classes tomorrow! Moved in a few days ago. It’s pretty great. Met quite a few people already. Having Public Address (Public Speaking/Communications basically) at 9 A.M. doesn’t sound that good though. But at least it isn’t too early to not be able to grab breakfast first. SAN JOSE STATE REPRESENT HERE.
Lucky… I already have a 2-3 minute presentation with a poster assigned in one class due in 2 weeks and a quiz on the syllabus in another next week. WHY PUBLIC SPEAKING AND ENGLISH, WHY DO YOU DO THIS…
Shenanigans so far include going out with a few groups of people, falling off the bed, hitting my head on both of my roommates’ bunks, walking into the wrong dorm, walking into the wrong classroom, and getting weird looks when I get oatmeal in the cafeteria and immediately go to the ice cream dispenser and putting vanilla on it BUT IT TASTES GREAT SO I DON’T CARE…
Starting my last semester before internship. Moving in Aug 30, classes start Sept 3.
Honestly I’m surprised you even get a quiz on the syllabus in a college class. I thought that’s just something they did in high school. If it wasn’t the case for you before, the syllabus is now a invaluable tome of knowledge. Don’t lose it.