I ordered one and I was wondering how does it compare with other yoyos? I’ve seen some one call it “Fat Magic” I guess saying its like the DM but fatter…
i have tried it! i tried yoshis. sorry to say but i did not like it. it was too big for me. everything else was cool about it, responce, sleep times, ect. it is almost a big as an aquarious! lol! but if you like SUPER HUGE then you will probalbly love this yoyo! i dont like the shape or size, but that is MY personal preferance because i like undersized yoyos with a concave shape. but like i said, if you like huge yos, you will love it!
As rsmod123 said, I tried Yoshi Mikamoto’s. I love them, they are capable af anything you throw at them, and their size is very, well, Ahaaa, I know a good word unique. They are very unique in size in my opinion. Great yoyos.
Well I tried yoshi’s NB also I liked it but not enough to make me buy one this is my preference and it just didn,t feel right I mean it is a good player it was just missing something