Your opinion is what I’m asking for.
I’m not saying who’s “best”, but I’ll tell you who kept blowing my mind in the lobby at NER… Philip and Stuart White.
Sanchez (Alex Gallimore) is always must-watch when he puts out a video.
Legends like Palli and Paul Dang… goes without saying that they’re in the upper echelon, too!
I agree with an earlier sentiment that it doesn’t seem right to discredit any of the other great players around here, but in the spirit of discussion, those are some names that came to mind.
I have to learn to stop making these threads. No one ever answers them
That is not true at all. It is easier to incorporate more “techy” tricks with Japanese style because they have simple - structured tricks. Again I say, watch this:
His style is so simple it allows him to make up simple yet “techy” tricks.
Japanese don’t do this - ever. They first come up with simple yet “techy” tricks and then they increase speed.
You can’t really define “best” because each person likes a certain style
That’s why I asked for a definition of “best”, because best means different things to different people. There is no “best” player.
Ok guys. What I mean by “best” is your interpretation of the word.
I am the best! Just kidding I suck. In my opinion, Palli, but there are so many others that are awesome as well.
Hey, I answered your question!
Nevermind, not worth the argument
So the winner…Palli!
I got chu from your first post Stuart
Obviously that’s what you meant, obviously some people don’t know what the word opinion means
Personally, I really like watching Magne Saetran’s vids, but placement wise, it’s probably Palli
A lot of people answered your question what are you talking about? But yeah you probably should have said “TO YOU who is the best player?”
Why does he have to be so clear, that should just be a given from the start honestly
My personal opinion, palli, chase Baxter, Owen ekblad, Paul dang or me.
I knew what he meant, but apparently other people did not get what he was trying to say. Just saying because he was asking why nobody answers his questions when people actually do lol
I think you all are awesome!
your all awesome too!!!
No one even mentioned me
Flyin’ under the radar ;D.