Who Cares About Vibe? (Random Ranting)

pokemon reference?


I like vibe. Otherwise the yoyo feels ghostly.

Hm. I should use that term more often…


Oh, and is it me, Samad, or do we always make these insane quote-walls?

yes you do pat… remember “3 most abstract things to explain”? THAT was a good quote wall

I was gonna quote that and reply to it, but then I realized how stupid that would make me. quotewall removed, this is irrelevant!

ahem back on topic…

Don’t any of you think that there are yoyos, where if they didn’t have a vibe, would just be… bad?

name one.

Enough of the quote walls, ok.

Wedgie, Freehand Zer- correction: any plastic, older Caribou Lodge yoyos…

how does that make them bad, though? If they don’t?

They just seem to lose their charm. This is all IMO, which is why I framed it as a question.

I think the same about my Protostar and Dark Magic.

My protostar had vibe, my friend has one that smooth, other have that wobble.
i like the smooth one, but i dont know why.
they play the same anyway.