Who are you?

Hi, I was browzing the Tube and I was comparing us YYE people to well-known players.

So, I was thinking, who are you? Like your style or there personality. Just name someone (Doesnt have to be yourself) that reminds you of a certain person.

 I think RSMOD as MICKEY


Ooh! I like this thread!!! Who am I!

Also, I think Kim-Lan is like Elliot Jacksonā€¦

Uhhā€¦ I will make a list.

Samad is likeā€” Augie Fash because he has so much fun yoyoing. His style is Sebby with the random twists to no whereā€¦

Doc is likeā€” Andre cuz hes so nice.

Kim-Lan is likeā€” Kahli Evans because they are both girls and have a semi-same style. Her style is Eric Koloskiā€¦ random?

Andre is likeā€” ANDRE!!!

I did all 3 expertsā€¦ IM A KISS UP!

I am like Tyler Severance.

I didnt mean in personality, I meant style.

KK fixed.

i amā€¦a quarter of raytsh on youtube

i think Samad is like Augie flash also.

who am i?

I think you mean Augie Fash
Also, I cant tell, Iā€™ve never seen you throw :wink:

Sorry that was a typo.

i am like anyone who gets in front of people and messes up the trick they just hit!..

People say I have great syle so I would have to say
Shannon Jackson is like Shannon Jackson.

You all have never seen yoyoing yoyoing till you have seen Shannonā€™s yoyoing.
Not kidding, I wish he had a videoā€¦

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I am almost like Dr.YoYo, but not quite.

you spelt my name wrongā€¦ Kahli not Khali

semi-same style ā€¦ what, you mean we both throw yoyos? ::slight_smile:

I am almost like Dr.YoYo, but not quite.

pfffftt, You wish (kidding, much love doc)