Who are you yoyo idols?

Well, not idols, but you know, favorite yoyo players…

Jensen Kimmitt.

Not an Idol, but I really like Vashek Kroutil. He makes the style of play so smooth and solid that it’s amazing to watch, plus he’s so cool xD

My favorite player is Tyler Severance. The video of him at CA state is what got me into actually wanting to learn string tricks, etc.

no idols but I admire Andre, zach Gormley, Jensen, and a couple of others.

Jesse Christe

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Logan Willis from Werrd is a really funny and nice guy to be around.

I like Jensen kimmit, but he is always so weird…

If I had to choose one in particular… I can’t choose one in particular

I need to write a book. In no order

Steve Brown, he is inspiration in a human form
Ed Haponik, for creativity
Drew Tetz, because he’s just cool
Tylor Mccaulimore, because of his tech and up close tricks
Paul Escolar for iniring my rejections (magic Drops)
Andre Boulay, y’all know who he is
John Narum, took worlds by storm, showing kids have the potential (same with hajime)
Dan Dietz, My friend and A straight up cool dude (who I want to be)
Jensen, Slacks, Nuf said

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Though I’m nowhere near as good as Janos karancz and Ricardo fraolini, my style has definitely been influenced by them since I love extremely technical slack tricks, though I haven’t come up with anything crazy yet.

Odon Alberto jr.