Which yoyo have you put the most hours into?

This is truly hard as I sit down to throw or on a good dy I’ll stand and throw and each time I bring 3-10 yoyos and each gets played a minute or twenty but I always bring different yoyos to the game not matter what and now I’m over joyed I have so many new yoyos to try out and play right now and more coming it’s definitely going to be even harder then to pick what one yoyo will log the most stringed flight time.

This is hard for me to answer. I want to say something I’ve been playing a lot recently, but I think it might only seem that way to me now, because it is currently getting a lot of play. Then, when I think of an old tried and true, that I have not thrown as much lately, but I have thrown it a lot over time, it becomes harder to weigh the two and determine which really has the most hours. Then, to complicate things, I have about 12 mains that I rotate, so it’s hard to tell which ones I play the most overall. I might need a yo-yo odometer of sorts. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going to guess that the top 3 might be:

  1. DMII
  2. H.O.T.
  3. Shutter

:-\ I may change that answer later.


As of lately: Yeti

But all in all idk… Prestige or Majesty

dv888. Brought that thing everywhere. ;D

My beloved old XCon :’(

Rest in peace.

Probably my Chief and Ac

For me

  1. General yo torrent II
  2. Stackless grind machine (my first unresponsive so you can see why)
  3. Legacy 2 (i was literally jumping out of my skin when I bought this Yoyo)

Angalm CC, MaxBet and Attune. Considering I have over 65 throws, narrowing it down to 3 seems reasonable.

Chief but Dazzler is catching up. I don’t go by the norm and play a small amount continuously so the chief has also been a change of pace throw until I got the dazzler. then it stayed in my pocket until I felt like comparing it to another. So it is thrown almost 100% of the time now. It’s like a chief on steroids. Stable as a tight rope walker, faster than a speeding bullet, and obeys like a SUB partner. Just no more to ask for other than better skills from myself which it is helping improve. Dazzler is like Rosetta Stone.

I have not spent a day without throwing one of my Anglams since I started buying them. I can almost say the same of the Avalanche, or one of my Chiefs.

But the YoYo I can not put down as of recent is the Draupnir.

Yup. My dazzler is catcin up and will overtake the pack in another 2 months at the latest. It gets thrown all the time now. I have just had it far less than the others.

I agree with all of your descriptives. To quote Ferris Beuler, “It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.”

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I see the cliff being a main throw!