Which ti yoyo should I get?

which titanium should I get that balances price with performance? something less than 250 USD maybe? thx

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I would definitely recommend something off the BST. You can get some great deals on used Ti.

As for recommendations I would look for anything from Turning Point, Yoyo factory, G2, Japan Technology, and luftverk.


I love my ti hawk. Itā€™s very pocketable and super stable. Not quite as fast as the 6061 hawk but still very nimble

I recommend the C3 Radius ti. It is on sale here on YYE for $299. Great yo-yo.


Try to find a G2 Ti pelican if you can. Best performance Ti to date from G2.

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Ti does not balance price and performance. Ti balances performance and durability.


The ti Koi is around $250 I believe. Iā€™ve never thrown it but Iā€™ve owned 4 aluminum koiā€™s amd two ss koiā€™s and if it was in the budget I would 100% own a ti koi as well. I love the koi


Whatever ti fits your budget and looks cool. Ti is a silly unnecessary thing but itā€™s nice for durability and the ting sound or sparking but I hate sparking


Japan Tech Ti usually sells for under 250, also look for Atmos Ti aswell, both are great!

Check out the Yozean Tidehunter, i really like it.

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Titanium also allows for different weight distributions that are not possible with aluminum.


Ohhhh! I recommend the Project Ti by Fair Trade Yoyos. I just saw one for sale here: YYR, atmos, G2, Art, OD, Yoyofreaks and more


Ohhh, I also really like the Ti Vayder and there is one for sale here: FS: Once A Week #7 - ILYY Nile - price drop

It is the same overall dimensions and weight as the Project Ti but has more rim weight so it definitely has more spin power.


Go on the hunt (BST) for a Ti Vader! You can find one for under $200 and this is a prime example of why we use Ti.

Edit. lol. I didnā€™t see your postā€¦. Good suggestion! :slight_smile:


Metavity ā†’ best bang for buck Ti on the BST market
Ti Emotion ā†’ Hard to find but great none the less


You could hunt a Tinman. How about a fh?

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Do you have the TideHunter ?


iYoyo Titanic

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I donā€™t see people mention the Yoyofriends Crosscut too often but it is really really good. Overall my favourite Ti is my Ari because it just feels very unique and special on the string, even more so than the TiVayder. The Crosscut doesnā€™t quite feel special like that, but sometimes you arenā€™t in the mood for that, itā€™s just an amazing jack of all trades yoyo and would be a top pick if I were only allowed to keep one yoyo.

Ti Emotion ā†’ Hard to find but great none the less

I was curious how many Ti Emotions were made, so I asked on the Dressel Designs Discord server:

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