Which one, N11 or T5

Looking to return one of these but not sure which one might be the better choice to keep. These aren’t expensive but I don’t need both. I am fairly new and have been using a responsive yoyo for a while and want one of the unresponsive for down the road. Something I won’t out grow to fast. The T5 does feels slightly better in my hand.

Or should I return both and get something else

|MagicYoYo N11

|Diameter: 54mm
|Width: 42mm
|Gap Width: 4.62mm
|Weight: 64.7g
|Body: 6061 Aluminum
Shape: “O”
|Bearing:|8 beads stainless steel KK bearing
|Response:|Yellow Silicon Pad, Slim 19mm
|Axle:|M4 x 10mm
|Surface:|Shinny Surface
|Style|1A, 3A, 5A

|MagicYoYo T5- Overlord

|Diameter: 54mm
|Width: 40mm
|Gap Width: 4.72mm
|Weight: 67.8mm
|Body: 6061 Aluminum
Shape: “V”
|Bearing: 8 beads stainless steel KK bearing
|Response: Yellow Silicon Pad, Slim 19mm
|Type: Unresponsive
|Axle: M4 x 10mm
|Surface: Shinny Surface
|Style 1A, 3A, 5A


Well if you like the T5, I suggest just keeping that. Both are plenty capable of doing all the tricks you want to do, even horizontal tricks so yeah.

If you want to return them and get something better, I suggest getting a Speedaholic XX.


You will meet someone interested in yoyoing so keep both so you have one to give away.


this +1

I always have a MYY on deck to give away.


Unless you really need the money, give one away. Or just keep both when one needs a pad replacement or bearing issue, and you want to keep playing.

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It’s always nice to have a “sacrificial” yoyo to hand to people who want to try it out. I keep a Topyo Mojo and a couple Whips in my bag for this purpose.


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Thanks for the replys. The money isn’t a problem, I just figured if they were similar I would keep the better of the two. Good points about keeping a sacrificial yoyo around or a giveaway to peak someone’s interest.

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T5 is a better throw, regarding pure performance specs…

But I personally like the N11 better. It just clicks.

Throw them both, then decide. With those two, it comes to what you jive with.

I keep a T5 and a YYF Whip in my backpack so I always have something good with me.

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I say keep both. I don’t know either of these but I see a V and O shape. As you progress and learn more you’ll end up wanting to throw both. Having a choice for what your in the mood for is nice!

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