What do you think is the best among the 5
Since you are new…
Then I’m going to tell you…
This is important…
There is no better yoyo than other yoyo…
Every yoyo have their own characteristic…
And it’s up to you which one do you like the best…
It’s all up to your preferences…
For example :
-New Breed and Atmosphere
New Breed is Big and Wide
Atmosphere is Small/Undersized
And Bob (example) likes the Big yoyo, so he would buy the New Breed
But his friend, John (example) likes the small yoyo, and when he tried the New Breed, he doesn’t like it very much… And when he buy the Atmosphere he loves it…
See the difference??
no i dont LOLZ ;D
Well, he actually asked you which one you think is better. He/she never said “which one is better”, except for in the title, but he cleared it up in the post.
I can see where you’re getting at, but it probably isn’t needed in this particular case.
I liked the story about Bob and John, though… ;D
He is most likely purchasing one of these, and wants to know what to get.
So, this one is better for this reason. (http://yoyoexpert.com/forums/index.php/topic,653.0.html)

Well, he actually asked you which one you think is better. He/she never said “which one is better”, except for in the title, but he cleared it up in the post.
I can see where you’re getting at, but it probably isn’t needed in this particular case.
I liked the story about Bob and John, though… ;D
When only 5 yoyos are listed, there’s an agenda behind these polls. Actually, there’s always an agenda behind these polls. And these polls always end with the same conclusion, because the polls are so trasparent that the agenda is always clearly visible.
Agenda: “I want the yoyo most people like”
I’m going with “if you don’t know what you want you don’t know what you want. That means you have to find out what you want”
Look at them and see which one you like more.
thanks ok now i know i like dark magic