Which do you prefer in a BST

  • Make an Offer
  • Fixed Price

0 voters

I llean towards fixed negotiable but anyway.


I really should have just clicked one box.
I apologize
I agree with option 3, fixed negotiable.
I believe it really depends on the buyers drive to buy the throw, or the sellers drive to sell a throw.

I have paid too much because I have wanted a throw. I have gotten great deals that I fully expected to get fleeced, I have no idea why, Luck most of the time I believe. I have given great deals simply because a throw just did not give me the feeling I enjoy when playing. All personal choices no real way to decide for me it really depends on the throw, it’s history, and my personal attachment to a throw or the lack of attachment.

This is how I usually sell throws that just do not give me that feeling I enjoy after I have bought them new.
I will wait for some one to post a (looking for) or some on has missed a drop and PM them a picture are you interested, and give a good deal. The good feeling of helping some one find a throw they want makes up for the throw not giving me that feeling I look for. It actually improves my thoughts about the throw knowing someone really likes throw. I know that is all .

I could give them away? But I do I like money, I am no M. Gandhi nor am I C. Icahn. Somewhere in between.

I hope everyone has a great finish to the week.

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I like to get what I paid for it or a little less. Generally they rarely go outside, wear and tear is not an issue. It’s unrealistic to ask for full retail though.

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Honest answer, if it’s something I absolutely must have and have been looking for, I will pay you what you’re asking.

If I want it and you have a price listed and you didn’t say the price is firm, I’ll offer you 5-10 bucks less than what you listed. If you have multiples I want, I’ll do the same.

If you just say offer, I’ll offer less than it’s worth if I want it. If I really want it, I’ll offer what it’s worth.


I think it’s pretty clear, almost all prefer a fixed price. Could have guessed it, but some evidence.

I won’t message on an “offer up” post. IMO pick a price. If that’s what you insist on getting, say it’s firm. Otherwise, expect offers. I know people do it to squeeze dollars out of rare stuff but these days there’s nothing I can’t live without so I just pass completely.


Same. Offer is annoying.


honestly it depends. i always expect to get offers when i list something for sale, but when I’m buying something i might just go with their price or I might make a lower offer. what the item I’m buying is will dictate whether i want to take the time to haggle or just commit.

I prefer when people reply after they ask if I still have something and I say yes.

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