Hello all, I would like to first say that we can all agree the question, “what is the best 1a yoyo?” is one that is highly debated. So I figure the problem is there is no one best yoyo. But also there isn’t enough questions/categories. I’m looking for opinions from all skill ranges. Go
Best all-around:
Best feeling/playing:
Favorite(even if it isn’t the best feeling/playing):
Best all-around (non-organic): YYF Butter (Bi-metal) or OD Free Solo (Monometal) Best all-around (organic): tie between MCMO and Grail/B7 Best performing yoyo: YoYoFriends Peregrine Best feeling, not necessarily performing: OD Panorama or Grail/B7 Best for beginners: Recess First Base Best plastic: Recess First Base (Also the best value IMO)
Best way to know is try many, if you can own a few, you will know.
I prefer less rim weight now, competition specs are not important to me, and neither is fast play.
Also, depends on your mood that day, or what tricks.
Best all around- The Don
Best feeling playing- free solo mono or i think the yyf flame bimetal is really good
Favorite- Gravity or Par Avion
Best for beginners- the sage or shutter
Best mini- Fallen angel (bimetal organic D bearing!)
Best bimetal- grasshopper gtx
Best plastic- the rally (any of the bimaterial are good)
Its really difficult to choose the best in any category
Best feeling/playing: Clyw Kodiak (my hands down favorite throw, please release the mono metal version already), TP Mustang
Favorite(even if it isn’t the best feeling/playing): Terrarian/Gravity/Panorama (this was super hard to narrow down but these are my happy chill throws)
Best for beginners: Topyo Silenus (great intro to awesome splashes and a fun shape that isn’t the generic yo-yo shape people would typically think of if they are not in the hobby)
Best mini:Zipline strings Ist (round boi that performs like a big boi)
Best bimetal: Clyw Kodiak (note I’m not big into bimetals)
Best plastic: Clyw Yeti
This took a ton of thought for me. Glad someone made this discussion.
Hm, this will be tough, and my opinion atm ephemeral, but ill play.
Best all-around: Luftverk Acadia. Simply put, my best performing yoyo. Does all the tricks I know in the most forgiving way. It can’t do fingerspins, but neither can I (yet, since I havent practiced them).
Best feeling/playing: Impossible to answer without a top 10 (or more). I can’t answer with Daytripper/ Ti-Sunbird/ MCMO/ Ti-Vayder/ Gravity/ Loop 720/ KNack/ etc. This is why I own ‘several’ yoyos, lol
Favorite(even if it isn’t the best feeling/playing): General-yo 5 Star. Just love the the slightly undersized fun this yoyo is to play. The Hatrick might take the throne after finally getting one though.
Best for beginners: I agree with consensus on this one, Recess First Base. An honest and well playing responsive yoyo is great for any beginner. Wait until you have basics down before going unresponsive, and the First Base is probably the easiest responsive yoyo ive ever played that can bridge the gap.
Best mini: I like my Sengoku Masamini v2 for the novelty, but honestly this category probably doesn’t have a good “best”.
Best bimetal: Yoyofriends - Peregrine. Just edges out the Batsquatch imo because it is a full performance package that seems to fully utilize bi-metal design to get that extra performance out of it. Im more of a monometal guy, but this yoyo slays.
Best plastic: Loop 720. Imo plastic is ideal for looping yoyos, and this is my favorite. Plastic unresponsives are meant to be beat or given to kids to learn. This yoyo otoh is not (the brat can pry it from my cold dead fingers if he wants it).
Additional categories:
Best Fixed Axle: Spinworthy KNack. My go to for performance and feel, not to say I don’t like the rest. I prefer the Beech version for 0A.