Hi, I know this kind of topic has been posted before, but this is a little different. This thread is to help bring some of us spinners together to progress the sport. Take for instance...I'm from St Louis, MO. Around my area I don't know any yo-yo'ers with a high skill level, so the only thing I get to do is learn from video's. Video's are great but have limitations. I would much rather meet with a group of people to share tricks, and transitions and stuff.
So if you would like, please post where you are from, and if you see people from your area, you'll be able to PM them and see if they'd be interested in meeting periodically to share some knowledge. I hope this thread has the effect I am looking for. I am wanting to bring us [b]Uniquely Talented[/b] individuals together with like friends to create a tighter community, and a broader knowledge base.
Obviously you can post however you like, but to make it easy I figured you can make sure you list at least a few things about yourself.
Where you are from.
What your favorite style of play is.
Your skill level (Like maybe how far on Andre’s tut’s you can go for reference.)
What you would like to learn from others.
Favorite Yo-Yo, or Yo-Yo’s if you can’t pick.
Any little random fact about yourself you think if fun.
So, I’ll start:
I am from St Louis, MO.
My preferred style is 1a, and a little 5a.
My skill level is about the expert and some master level tricks from Andre’s tuts.
I would like to learn some transistions from trick to trick, cause everyone know’s a trick is a trick, it’s how you get into, and out of it that makes a performance.
My favorite yoyo is currently my DM, just because they make learning trick easy. But love the M1, and I think I’ll love my new DNA 888 when I get it.
Interesting fact. I used to make a living touring and doing yoyo show’s with the likes of Dennis McBride, Rick Wyatt, and some of the members of Team THP from Hawaii. That was back when Yomega ruled all. <-----hence OldSchool. My favorite yoyo back then was the Saber Raider, it dominated. ???
id like to learn some freestyle so i can start making up some of my own tricks
i want a DM…,but i have a mod fast 201
ummm…im a senior in high school and i plan on going to college for video game design and i can solve a rubik’s cube…thats all i can think of at the moment…
Ummm…no, this isn’t off topic. It’s a general yoyo discussion. Trying to pair up people to learn more. It is directly related to yo-yo’s so why would I move it?
Your skill level (Like maybe how far on Andre’s tut’s you can go for reference.)
expert ( but I don’t have too good sleep times and can’t put tricks together :-[)
What you would like to learn from others.
Favorite Yo-Yo, or Yo-Yo’s if you can’t pick.
Any little random fact about yourself you think if fun.
I dominate at climb and want to climb the seven summit but I don’t think it will happen
What your favorite style of play is.
5A, and a little 4A
Your skill level (Like maybe how far on Andre’s tut’s you can go for reference.)
There aren’t really any 5A or 4A levels, but I mostly make my own tricks.
What you would like to learn from others.
What ever they are willing to teach(4A/5A)
Favorite Yo-Yo, or Yo-Yo’s if you can’t pick.
I’m not going to bother starting to list, and the ones in my thingy on the side aren’t really true 100% of the time.
Any little random fact about yourself you think if fun.
I think that Star Wars is about the most epic thing that I have ever seen…and I have seen it many many times.(I have loved it since I first saw it at a very early age.)
1.Singapore, Singapore
2.1a, but 4a is fun
3.Expert part 2
4.Mickey’s Signatures! Knot tricks
5.DM, But i want an m1
6.I can solve a rubik’s cube in less than 30 seconds? and i can solve a 4x4x4 cube in 5 mins or less? Well the 4x4x4 was a year ago, not anymore.
Im from China, i now live in Canada
1A and a little 5A
I mastered alomst everything on the master section except for 2 of them, and now moving on to tricks a lot harder like soiled panties which i just mastered, i am now making a lot of my own tricks
I would learn anything i can learn
My favorite right now is yyf superstar
I also sing opera and the normal kind of siging (I am currently a tennor sence i can sing both high and low and due to the low number of tennors i was put in that section, and i am also the section leader for all te tennors :D) I have performed in several locations, but taking a break now due to puperty which makes my voice too fragile for opera. but it dousnt effect too much on normal singing so i still go to my school choir and sing solos for concerts ;D
Im from China, i now live in Canada
1A and a little 5A
I mastered alomst everything on the master section except for 2 of them, and now moving on to tricks a lot harder like soiled panties which i just mastered, i am now making a lot of my own tricks
I would learn anything i can learn
My favorite right now is yyf superstar
I also sing opera and the normal kind of siging I have performed in several locations, but taking a break now due to puperty which makes my voice too fragile for opera. but it dousnt effect too much on normal singing so i still go to my school choir and sing solos for concerts;D(I am currently a tennor sence i can sing both high and low and due to the low number of tennors in the chior i was put in that section, and i am also the section leader for all the tennors :D)