Where are all the chileheads at?

I actually used to work for the chile pepper institute at New Mexico state university here in Las Cruces. We grew pretty much any pepper you can think of and sold seeds for some of the breeds the school developed. Since I left I haven’t actually grown anything myself but i’ve been thinking about getting back into it. I still use a lot of local sauces, I recommend the red jalapeno sauce by enchanted gourmet. You can actually see my old manager Dr. Bosland in this old viral video of a news reporter eating a chile and immediately regretting it. It happened right in front of the greenhouse I worked in.


White Knight.

Peach 7 Pot.


I am really impressed with the growth on this White Knight plant, and she is already starting to pod up, too. I will definitely have some ripe super hots to enjoy before my birthday in August.


Some photos from the pain forest…

White Knight

MA Purple

Peach 7 Pot

Dragon’s Breath

Big Olive Mama


“Hot Ones, Truth or Dab.”
The most iconic hot sauce talk show ever.
Hilarious watching the common folk choke and spit feverishly.

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Just a little photo update from my 2024 Pain Forest

MA Purple


Reaper Bonnet


Peach 7 Pot

Why Not

White Knight turning yellow, instead of white. Giving them a few more days to see if this is their final color.


Hot Ones is awesome. The interviews are great, and you also get a healthy dose of schadenfreude at the same time.

For as long as I’ve been a chilehead, I have dreamt about organizing a 21+ hot pepper yo-yo contest where each competitor has to eat a super hot pepper before performing their freestyle. If they pull off an amazing freestyle, the crowd will be blown away. But if their freestyle is an absolute train wreck, the crowd will still be entertained watching them suffer through the burn. I think the idea has a lot of potential, personally.


Those red one look like what we had one time on a platter at a chinese restaurant. When the waitress said “Don’t eat these.” one guy at the table said he could eat anything hot. Again she said “Don’t” Well, he did. Next thing he was grabbing everyone’s water and then writhing on the floor screaming.


If your friend couldn’t handle those, then he would have had an even rougher time with the peppers in the other bowls. Chinense varieties are so much hotter than annuums.

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Cali Reaper

Why Not

Reaper Bonnet


My first ever Chocolate Primotalii is ripening. I grew the red variety last year, and those are the hottest pepper I’ve ever grown or tasted, far surpassing the BBM and even the Carolina Reaper. Well, the chocolates are supposed to be even hotter than the reds. :skull:

Once this pod ripens, I will be filming myself attempting to yo-yo while sampling pieces of this brutal pepper. It should be a total train wreck. :rofl:


That pepper looks like something already tried to eat it, but it came back up. Gnarly. Can’t wait to see you doing tricks after that bad boy!

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Wow! I can’t chew and yoyo at the same time, nevermind chewing a hot pepper!


You grow the most gnarly looking things. But so healthy. I always take note of the greenery in your pictures and it always looks so lush and healthy. Where are you putting this video? Because I am totally down for watching this. :smiley:

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I will be uploading the video to my Throw Heat channel on YouTube. Depending on how things go, this could become a regular thing during my harvest window every year (late August through October).

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Even better, I’m going to try and talk about the pepper and the burn while I’m yo-yoing. It is going to be a multitasking nightmare, but the pure schadenfreude will make it worth it. :fire:


I finally got to experience the BEAST last night. That is quite the fitting name for this pepper, in all honesty. I didn’t have to add much to my tofu banh mi sandwich to taste it in every bite, and the burn that followed was wicked. :fire:


They just look evil!!!
I’m texting a copy of that first pic to tell my wife how hot I think she is. :smiley:


Nice! I’m honestly surprised you’re handling those without gloves.

They are totally safe to handle without gloves until you slice them open.