What's your favorite trick?

I would have to say orangtastic because it’s so smooth and it ends in a gt.
Also any type of tower trick I just get addicted to.

Any stuff that I create, like combos. haha, I just do elements or something, then make a combo.

well my favorite trick is the jensen kimmit one where he he does a weird seasick and then puts the yoyo behind his back and then the yoyo is spinning around near the arm

i can barely do these tricks but they are really fun to practice and mess with. Boing E boing, wrist whips, and 3rd …cold fusion

Don’t look at my YYE profile…that’s so OLD.

My fav is some combo that I invented. There isn’t a name for it…

My favourite tricks are one and a half mount suicide and jade whip because they are easy to add into combos and they’re extremely fun and smoooth :o

I’m getting a suicide rage comming for the next few weeks or more…it’s gonna be fun.
(Sounds weird)

I would have to say gerbil,and second would be mach 5.

Anything with a split bottom mount (preferably split the atom).

Aaah, mastered the suicide after the suicide rage…fun.

Currently I’m trying to do behind the back tricks and I seem to love it.