What do you pick up when you just want to relax?
2Sickyoyos 7075 Gambit. Slow, floaty, chilled out goodness.
CLYW Puffin comes a close second. Fun little fellow.
Yyf shutter, or clyw puffin 2.
Mine is the YYF Derlin Severe.
YYF Genesis+
YYF Roll Model
Duncan Strix
All of the yoyos.
Square Wheels Royale w/ cheeezzeeeee
G2 Triton
Oh come now Greg, we all know how much you love your Puffin.
Summit, so quiet and smooth that it can put me to sleep
Canvas and puffin.
Avalanche Summit Or Cascade
True fact!
Guess I meant that I’m always just chilling and relaxing when I yoyo. I don’t know how to yoyo frenetically.
I do love that Puffin. And Puffin 2. And Gambit. And Pacquiao… Smooth Move… etc.
Bonfire or bvm2. Or puffin 2
Probably my old ones I used to learn on like my stackless grind machine… It’s a fun little Yoyo for the price.
SPIN DYNAMICS Smooth Move and a CLYW x ONEDROP Summit
Both chill and quite smooth