Fav Yoyos from yyj yyf clyw

Tell me your favourite yoyo from yoyojam yoyofactory or clyw.

YYF: Genesis
CLYW: Yeti, Canvas, BvM2,Peak

YYJ: Phenom.
YYF: Equilateral
CLYW: Depends on my mood. I find myself usually going for an Avalanche or Gnarwal, bu sometimes I’ll grab a Chief or AC.

YYF Primo
YYJ Surge
CLYW X OD Summit

Not been yoyoing for ages but it’s got to be
YYJ-the classic,it’s just fun to play with
YYF- gentry steins shutter this thing is awesome
CLYW- glacier express


YYF- Proton IS EPIC, equilateral
YYJ- Get dat inspire yo
CLYW - Summit all the way, then chief and BVM2

I also posted some runners up…

YYJ: DMII, Classic.
YYF: Ricochet, H.O.T., Shutter, Genesis, Avant Garde 1, Proton, Catalyst…many more
CLYW: Chief, BVM2, Cliff, Arctic Circle

YYF - Catalyst
YYJ - Projams (modded)
CLYW - Dont throw em

YYF Ricochet
YYJ dm2
Clyw chief

yoyojam: patriot
yoyofactory: 07 888
clyw: Avalanche

You have great taste MLYYM. :slight_smile:

yyf: ma Winston superstar w/ trifecta bearing and nubs 8D
yyj: the XLR8 is the way to go
clyw: PUFFIN FTW!!! sry… :stuck_out_tongue:

BONUS :smiley:
Duncan: echo w/ lateral caps

YYF: 2010 Severe
YYJ: Phenom
CLYW: Summit, if that doesnt count then Chief

Why u throwin CLYW in with YYF and YYJ? I consider Duncan part of the big 3

Btw my fav Duncan is the Strix :wink:

YYF- Avant Garde 2
CLYW- Summit

YYF: Genesis+
CLYW: Puffin

YYF: shutter
Yyj: trigger
Clyw: summit/ chief

YYF: Shutter
CLYW: Puffin2

YYF- Super G
YYJ- Diamondback

YYJ=Dark Magic 2
YYF= Grind Machine 2 or G5
CLYW= Comeback Avalanche

YoyoJam: ALL OF EM!
YoyoFactory: Equilateral’s dope
Caribou Lodge Yoyo Works: not a huge fan, the only yoyos they have that appeal to me is the puffin and cliff.