What's Your Favorite Hubstack Compatible Yo-Yo?

But is it smooth?

I do have a Turbo Grind Machine, so I’ll be right with you!

It’s a 10+ year old Velocity yo :joy_cat: but at least the hubstacks don’t make it vibe more than without!


All I asked was for shuttles, don’t put this abomination on me lol


Oh yeah!!

Are we getting 19mm pad shuttles for the 401k :point_right::point_left:

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Defiantly my favorite HS throw.




This makes me want a 401K/SD so bad!!

So I have this yoyo - those posts don’t seem tall enough for hub stacks? Are you saying you put the whole bearing/oring/plastic cap setup on this?

There’s a hubstack version and a stackless version.


Yeah - I knew that - but thought this looked like the stockless version that I have. I see the top down pic of both is very similar - the center post is just a bit taller/skinner on the stack one. I see it now.

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Yes, the one pictured is a HS model. I have both versions, and the Titanium… OH, and the Little confusion that as far as I know are all HS.

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Here you go @pyrotechnic give this a try!

This is just an empty cup, but you can plug the A bearing post STL in the middle and turn it into a hubstack cap. TGM cap is held in place with a different geometry than Freehand, so this cap doesn’t need support. The cup is also a lot shallower than Freehand, so stock YYF hubstacks stick out a little bit.

One important thing to note is that once the cap is in, I can’t use compressed air to push it out. I think it’s because the hole is really tiny, and once the cap is right up against the hole (as opposed to having a big cavity like with stock caps), there isn’t enough air pressure. So beware that you might need to destroy them in order to remove them.

Other than that, Hubstacked TGM plays very much like you’d expect :smile_cat:

Blank cup on its own:

Cup with hubstacks


You are the man!!

Wayne out here giving us what big yoyo deny us. Now just need a set for the Mini FH


YES!!! Please make this for the Mini FH!

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Eeeeehhh that requires me to mess with the caps on my precious Mini FH which is perfect the way it is :cold_sweat:

Can someone sell/loan me a beater lol


I may be able to loan you one

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Cool shoot me a PM if you’re down! Love to work something out :smile_cat:

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So made this today