What's your best spin time?

I can’t get my duncan imperial to sleep at all. I lubed it with 90 weight gear oil and some shoe polish…

Well that’s your problem there. You need to use whale blubber and polish the axle with mink fur.

fixed that for all of you.

There comes a point really early on where it doesn’t matter what yoyo you’re using. Exceptions disregarded, because 99% of you are using a yoyo where the only remaining variable that matters is you.

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5 min with my Titan3 on average, about 6-7 on a hard throw. 1 minute on a regen.

I got 7 seconds on my butterfly once. It was a good day.

i got 12 mins on a YYF PGM.

That is mighty impressive!


Never clocked my spin time, to lazy to state at it for more than a few seconds.

are you a wizard? Oh I got 8.5 minutes on a yyf (delrin) severe

Now the the heck do you guys get spin times up to 8-10? The best I could do is about 1.30. I feel worst after reading this thread :(.

id like to see your sleep time with a BTH

Challenge Accepted.

If you’re not doing the string twist, you’re probably not going to even be getting half of what some of us are getting. It makes a huge, huge difference to keep the yoyo centered and keep the string off the walls for the entire sleep.

whats the string twist?

Right after you throw the yoyo as hard as you can, grab the string an inch or two above the spinning yoyo. That’s how you’re going to be holding the yoyo for the duration of the sleep, not just letting it hang as it normally would. You can even just remove the string from your throw finger entirely if you want.

From there, you can twist the string between your fingers in either direction, and you’ll notice that this tilts the yoyo. As the yoyo spins, it will begin to tilt on its own, and you’re going to twist the appropriate way to counter this and keep the yoyo dead straight. When you do it right, the yoyo will never “spin out”, even when it’s still barely spinning at all.

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Ohhhhh thats pretty cool! Thanks :slight_smile:

i used a Genesis and twisted trifecta (lubed and deshelled by jenjenn) and i hit 7 min 55sec on a throw with a worn out string.

My best was like 6 and a bit with my first metal… A pink aoda that I bought from china!!!

3:15 with a myy t5.

I thought I’d time my spin time once, then thought again and said, “Are you crazy skitrz? You yo to beat boredom not create it!” Never thought about it again, not once. :wink: