whats the worst thing that ever happend to one of your yoyos??

what is the worst thing to ever happen to your yoyo.

like my friends thought it was funny to light my speedmakers string on fire… not funny

My Older Sister wants threw one of my YoYos in the Creek in our Side Yard…

Left an ILYY Fury on my windshield and drove off. When I hit around 75 or so the wind blew it straight up the windshield and off onto the turnpike.

Might I mention it was brand new.

its not the worst… however i have to say running out of replacement string (and money and materials) is really bad…

happened to me for 2 weeks.

actually, it was something I did. here’s the vid



But my frantic came apart whilst i was doing a horizontal and tried to mickey jump and kicked the string. The halves and bearing were rolling all around our school auditorium. Had fun looking for the bearing.

Just what inspierd you to do it?
seems fun though.

well, my year old nephew one day decide to imitate me throwing my genesis.
and funny things happen.

well…one time i was doing 5A at school and some kid thought it would be cool to grab my string in the middle of a trick and pull, so i dropped my trinity on cement, i dont no why i was doing 5A with a trinity but it now has the biggest dent u will ever see

The bearing in my hatrick died…

my freind decided to “see” my brand spanking new kickside and do “around the world” as he called it withought the yo yo spinning or…atached to his finger.

we were outside.

that thing shot 50ft into the air.

it landed with a CRACK on the school-yard cement and both caps popped off. suprisingly, still worked fine, with a few scars.

Threw my Dv888 down hard, the string broke and the bearing got all screwed up on impact. Still working fine with new bearing.

i’m standing in the machine shop i was hoping was going to build my yoyo when the guy says ok well thats cool lets see some yoyoing. I stand up ready for action put down a nice hard toss when my punchline bounces off the file floor, BIG mark right down into the aluminum. I quietly wrapped up the string and put it in my pocket. LOL, i eventually found a diff guy to make my yoyo’s. I love that punchline.

I’ve got a number to share:
Brand new Popstar, Ok…maybe a week old. I’m throwing inside McDonalds, forget my string’s length and did a hard throw. Popstar kissed the tile floor so now it has a battle scar. Again at home, it kisses the hard floor…so both halves now have this kiss mark on it. Time to throw on a shorter string… Grand finale, I do a sidestyle trick and forget that one of my ceramic sculptures (unglazed, only took it’s first low firing so it’s rough) and the yo-yo took a final kiss on that. So now I got a couple scratches and ground marks. Had I got silver, it would have probably not showed up as much but it for sure shows up through the blue.

Up next: Peter Fish Dominator fun! I took the advantage of Walgreens selling these loopers, they were only $2.49 each on Thanksgiving day. So couldn’t resist buying a pair. So 2 bearing loopers for $5. I get home, mess with it and so on. After what would total an hour’s use, I attempted a regeneration using the longer string it came with. I regenerated it right into the laminate floor and busted the axle hub out of it. Yea, total fail! The other Peter Fish is still in its package today and I have no real plans on opening it up. As for the broken one, a trip to Walmart the next day involved getting some superglue and silicone. The yo-yo now works like a charm, if not better now with silicone response…originally had foam (???).

During the yo-yo boom of 1999, one of my friends had just purchased a fireball. Another friend comes up and says “Hey, let me see! I’m going to show you a trick! It’s called Sky Rocket, or Rocket in the Pocket.” The owner hands over his shiny fireball. My friend throws a hard sleeper, removes the string from the finger, gives a nice hard tug launching the yo-yo a good 30 feet up in the air. He forgot his shirt didn’t have a pocket to catch it in and of course failed at catching the yo-yo with his hands. Fireball hits the street, only gets a couple dings in it. We were all amazed the thing wasn’t completely shattered.

Lastly, around the boom, my brother and I bought cheapo clutch yo-yos at the flea market. $2 for a Brain yo-yo clone, couldn’t beat that. Or could we… Mine broke just having it in the pocket (hub cracked and axle nut and axle slid right out). My brother later that night goes to show us “Around the World.” He’s 5 years old at the time and is excited he can do something besides the sleeper. Unfortunately he didn’t watch his surroundings when the yo-yo hit the nearby steps and the thing 'sploded into pieces. It was quite amazing! My brother stood there with the string and transaxle dangling from his hand, staring with a blank face like “Woah, what just happened?” My response: Made in China! (At the time, China-made yo-yos in the US were junk, atleast from our experience)

Hit my 07 Worlds Edition Marble X-Convict on the floor, and the entire hub busted out… T.T

Left my DV888 in my backpack for 2 weeks. Took it out, bent to a 30 degree angle.

Stripped the Axle Hole of my Electric Daisy after 2 weeks of having it. All I wanted to do was tighten it a bit more because the bearing kept coming out of the seat. One small twist, and the threads stripped instantly.

me :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

nah once I got my addiction dinged by some guy, he barely apologized… now I only lend my throws to people I know or know I can trust. otherwise, they get the plastic

Same thing as far as trust issues.

It’s like somebody posted a long time ago.

“$90 for a yoyo? That’s ridiculous!”
“Can I see it?”
“Why not? It’s only $90?”

My biggest issue is that I’ve got a friend who thinks it’s funny when I’ve got a yoyo in my backpack to take it out and throw with it.

Here’s one I forgot. This one comes before my Hub-buster on my X-Convict.

On YYN, I was in the middle of a possible trade with Vegabomb, a moderator on YYN. I was going to trade him my minty 07 Worlds X-Convict and $60 for an ENEME, because at the time, my Mom decided $75 was the limit on prices. (Different now :slight_smile: ). Well, the next day, I let a friend see it. I said, “don’t hit it on the ground”. I hear a ringing noise, turn around, and he said, “See? Nothing’s wrong with it.”. I get home and posted pics of the X-Convict, only to find a large paint chip and ding awaiting me.

Needless to say, I lost a chance for that ENEME.

I think this yoyo has a naming problem… ??? it’s so close to another, unpleasant, word…

an eetsit?