whats the strangest thing you've ever done in yoyoing

For serious…

I went to a Restraunt, and I got bored so I started to YoYo, and it was one of those restraunts where the cooks make the food right infront of you. But a couple tables over, they werent the looking at the food being cooked infront of their table, they were looking at me. Then when they left they startes handing me 1 dollar bills. :smiley:

ive had something like that happen, i was at a school football game waitng for my parents to pick me up then i started to yoyo. A couple of kids walked over and started to ask me to do walk the dog and stuff so i did and they started to throw money at me :smiley:

Picking it up, throwing it, somehow managed to mimic the first 30ish seconds of jensens worlds routine…

same here except i was at a mardi gras parade and the parade was stopped and the flambeau stopped next to us so i started to yoyo and one threw me one of their quarters

I popped the yoyo in my hand and threw up to a thumb grind but it landed in a GT
then I did it with a normal grind

i snapped a string with iwasawa tower…

When I untie knots, I need to hop the yoyo out of the knot. But every now and then, once I hop it out of the knot, VVWWHAAAHHALLLAA, Brent Stole. And I can tell it is a Brent Stole because the way I hop the yoyo out of the knot is ery similar to the real Breant Stole.

But the main part of this story: I can never get to do Brent Stole when attempting. sigh

back a couple months ago i put a brand new black 50/50 string on my yoyo and with one throw that was pretty light it snapped at the bottom and my yoyo took a plunge to the edge of the stairs… :smiley:

Really skely? its a GT remem?

Whats a “remem”? And yes, it happens all the time. But the tiny good news is, that now I know the what motion to do when attempting Brent Stole.

typo, meant remember. i could help you a bit though :slight_smile:

it is easier if you go slower insted of trying to go the speed of light. i mean, not insert stupid cartoon with people screaming at low pitch while moving really slowly but just a bit slower, while still being able to have it whip around. the whip itself should be fast, but the NV motion (if you do that) should be slower, along with the TH moving forward.

I did a bad bind and diddnt realize, so i went to throw the yoyo, but some how got cough in the yoyo it came up went around the back my arm/ elbow and landed it back onto the string like a over the arm trappez like the pross do lol. Oh also my GF cough her first 2 suicides on her first trys!!! lol and she really doesnt yoyo.

Landed two cross-handed Brent stoles but then I tried landing more but now I can’t land it :frowning:

I was doing kwijibo and i did a cross hand GT at the last hop part … DAYUM YOYO U BE CONFUSING

Also a couple times when I was learning And What, I ended up in some kind of mini GT

When doing suicide1.5 i the loop landed on my pinkie.