What's the longest you've used a single string?

i like this analogy a lot. I never thought about it it like that.

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Hit up @smittylube. He makes his own fuzzy nylons, they’re not only super soft and smooth but last who knows how long. He sent me some about a month ago and I’m still on the same initial string.


Or hey just PM me and Ill mail you some from my collection, gratis of course.

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Waiting for the day when I can buy a pack of your strings. They are awesome.


I agree, SmileyStrings are good. Very strong, almost no break in, whip and slack like they’re supposed to, maybe a touch grabby on the bind but that could just as easily be my setup and not the string. @smileypants707, you got a good thing going here. I recently got some of Zipline’s (Skyline?) Poly/nylon blend and they immediately reminded me of yours.


I am lucky if I get 2 weeks out of one string, I rip through it lol

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Thanks for the love. Responded to your PM.

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The back and yellow string on my Playmax Turbo Bubble Bee lasted for years.

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3 months heavy play. YYSL Venom

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Not at this time.

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Thanks for replying. I’m still going to buy some.

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Learn from the master!!

A lot of you asked me how often do you replace your yo-yo string and it’s kind of funny. When you first start, you don’t need to do it too much, sometimes three months is actually the first time you’ll need to replace it. Depends how much you play with it though. If you’re playing with it as much as we do, as professional yo-yo players, you actually need to replace it almost once a day, sometimes when you’re at a contest, you’ll go through 10, 20, sometimes even 30 strings if you’re heavily practicing with them.

I do think the quality of poly string has increased a lot since then, but I’d say a good rule of thumb is after 8 hours of continuous play, it’s time for a new string.


im still using toxic string that i got back in 2014…


How many hours of play on that string, would you estimate?

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50 or 60 hours…