What's The Hardest Trick Can You Do?

Well, the hardest trick I can do is probably the Shockwave LOL.
What about you people?, post your hardest vids, pics, tuts, whatever, here :smiley:
Me I don’t have a video camera yet >_<

Hardest or longest? Hardest is probably like a triple Brent Stole or a trick I made up. Longest is a trick I made up.

Well, the most amazing one I guess,
Got any media to show us? :smiley:

My current hardest trick would be Yuuki Spencer’s “Soiled Panties”


Woah, you can do that?

A lot of people can do that trick including me.

Ladder Escape, Plan D, Spirit Bomb, And Whut…
Spirit bomb is the hardest, Idk why it took me about 4 months do learn, it is soo hard, funny though when I first landed it, it was so cheap, on the second pop it unintensionaly hit my throw hand, bounced of and landed on the string, I quickly landed and started jumping for joy, but my first legit Spirit bomb was at Kohls LMBO


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Through the Fire. It is one of my tricks. It is pretty techy and complicated. I wish I could make a video.

Haha, so it looks like I’m a little out of date on tricks, eh…

LOL Raphael xD, I find Plan D quite difficult >_>, Spirit Bomb is pretty cool too, keep up the good work =D

Props man!, that thing is hard for me lol, and thanks for posting a vid :smiley:

I’m not that good(and probably won’t ever be)
But the hardest for me will always be Boing e boing. a 2 month on going struggle.

Tower/Star Laceration

Not easy! :slight_smile:

I don’t care what it’s classified is, Boing e Boing is HARD. It took me like 6 months to get a decent boing, and it still kicks my butt on a daily basis. For my hardest trick… gee I don’t know if any of the tricks I do are hard. Probably Short Rounds by Gerard Amento. Candy Rain was tricky to learn as well.

Same and same. ;D I LOVE candy rain, its probably the longest trick i know. As for the hardest… I’d say either Spirit Bomb or Black Hops. Still can’t quite get the returning hops… :stuck_out_tongue:

the longest trick ive learned is probably endure by gerard amento

The hardest trick I know it probably my newest move, Dearest Eleanor. Dear god, it’s hard. Check it out.

It looks simple enough, but its a rare event when I land it. That video took two hours.  :stuck_out_tongue: I’m better at it now, but its still hard.


iwasawa tower laceration sometimes i land it

Holy crap. :o

Thats pretty impressive. Thats an insane trick.

Rain, Follow, Ando Suprise, and a trick I made up called Jumper Cables.

One of the hardest I know is probably Hitoshi’s Triangle. The other’s are mostly things I’ve come up with!

Here’s a tutorial for it!