What's The Hardest Trick Can You Do?

Double 1.5 Laceration.

Awesome trick, very techinical. and by the way, you spelt CLYY instead of CLYW at the end.

I don’t think its actually his video. I believe this is from a different member of YYE.

No I’m pretty sure thats my vid bro. I just changed my name on the forum from panda joe to my real name. XP

wow my bad. I should next time carefully read what someone’s quoted. I thought he was talking about the second video that was posted for hitoshi’s triangle. Oops :stuck_out_tongue:

longest is ladder escape or something i made up… hardest is like a quintouple (5) laceration, i got it a few times. or mabey a quadruple brent stole, i got that down like 75% of the time now

That’s really sick, and I’m in love with your drumkit :smiley:

Double Brent Stole? I hate/love that trick.

EDIT: Triple Brent Stole :wink:

EDIT: Quadruple Brent Stole (I’m a fast learner :P)

My hardest trick is probably Mahatma’s Revenge.
Longest would probably be Cheesy Poofs.

now get down a quintouple :wink: