What's the hardest/most complicated thing you learned how to do

what kind of things have you learned to do that’s the hardest or most complex thing you can do. doesn’t necessarily have to be hobby related but im curious. the kind of stuff that is ridiculously hard in reality but from a lay persons eyes it doesn’t look that hard at all. for me it’s without a doubt rocket jumping in team fortress 2. I know I’ve talked about it a few times and I would spread my love for it a lot more if I could easily show or explain what it is and how fun it can be. I recently quit gaming due to moving reasons and I’m really starting to miss it. I’m gonna link some runs of maps that aren’t super hard and still look pretty good to someone who has no idea what’s going on (hopefully).

I’m really curious what you guys will say, and link a YouTube video to show us a bit, and try to make us understand how hard it actually is


Spintops Regeneratin Orbits and Half Orbits ( I still can’t go half left! )

This vid was taken after I learned them! When I do them now it’s way more effortless :slight_smile:

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got some nice squats tho

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Yeah… I look silly doesn’t I :slight_smile:

Three are other hard spintop tricks but this one tooks more than a year to master.

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I have like around 700 hours on Tf2 and still have no clue how to rocket jump like that :joy: (and I did not play one class for the majority of the time either).

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Aside from 1a, how to properly restore/tune an old hand plane. It can be quite tedious. But man, there isn’t anything quite like using a well tuned hand plane.


Hmmm. I’d have to say, for me, Vector building. It’s daunting at first but you learn to think outside the box fairly quickly. I “tutored” the media arts students as part of my work study. Once they figured out the process it was no big deal. It’s just a lot of steps at once. People always ask about how a logo is done but once you start talking shop with them it goes right over their heads. It’s not draw it and done. It’s a lot of steps when you want it done right for print and revisions. But it’s not as hard as people think. It just takes time.

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It’s not even close: playing the oboe (which also entails learning music theory).


I mean I’ve dissected multiple Whipple specimens at work…

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This. But also the art of customer relations. It’s a delicate thing to be able to argue with someone while not being argumentative.


I have like 3200 and id say less than 100 are me playing the actual game. I find actual tf2 boring and I played it only for jumping.:upside_down_face:


using what program/programs

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4x5 photography


I saw that :wink:

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Just the Adobe suite. Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and what not.

You are a mad man doing medium format. But it’s awesome!

Managing and operating a restaurant that I own lol. I’ve cook professionally my entire adult life, but when all of the stakes are in your hands, it’s extremely challenging. Extremely rewarding though!


I be been using using Photoshop for a few years now and a few days ago started trying to learn illustrator and in infuriating. they are almost unidentical. nothing i know about photo translates and it makes me scream. I took some Photoshop specific classes in highschool and one design class where we were supposed to go through most of the Adobe stuff but really only made it through InDesign and a little bit of illustrator due to teacher problems lol.


It INFURIATES ME how different Photoshop and Illustrator are. If Illustrator were more like Photoshop then I’d use it exclusively but nooooo. Adobe has to be fancy and make every single program act differently from one another.