What's the hardest/most complicated thing you learned how to do

I’m right there with you guys. I’ve used photoshop for like 15 years, but none of that experience helps with illustrator, in any way whatsoever. Why does every single command have to be different? I have to google how to do the most basic of things in Illustrator lol.


TF2 Rocket jumping
Overwatch Doomfist Sliding Slam
3D modeling
Persuading my mom to get me a new YoyoFactory Release

And finally…

Understanding the hate of pineapple on pizza.
I’m looking at you, @moby323


Lol hard doom fist tech has nothing on high or even mid tier jumping. Air strafing in source on its own is more complicated than anything in over watch. (not bashing over watch if i wanted to play fps I’d rather play over watch over tf2) but jumping is more fun than over watch