What's the best yoyo "Value"?

FG chief. Best 70 dollars spent on a yoyo in my books. I’m kind of over buying yoyos, because hardly anything I buy compares…

Um. Upgraded Classic anyone?

I say Classic because of how it is stock, and is excellent for beginners. Then upgrade it, and it’s a beast. It is because of the responsive/unresponsive play aspect that I rate this above the Speedaholid, Surge and many other cost-friendly yoyos on the market, even against things like the DM2 and higher. For an about $20 investment(between the yoyo and upgrade items), I truly feel the Classic is one of the best values, period.

I’d say the yoyofactory onestar, pretty beast plastic for 15 bucks, good shape and feel in the hand, some even come with a center trac for like 50 cents extra.

I think the supernova is one of the best playing yoyos ever. Period.

For $85 (I think), it’ll beat any One Drop.

Mine got BAD vibe after like 45 minutes. Not durable, way too light, not to mention that the stability is AWFUL.

Mine has slight vibe. I think it’s pretty stable. And I haven’t had any problems with it not being durable.

C3 Speedaholic. For $13.00 I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a better throw.

i have had the werrd minute on my person pretty much ever since i got it. set up with a ctx bearing, i think it outplays yo-yo’s 2-3 times as expensive. perfect take-everywhere yoyo.

meh im not too sure about that
i used a supernova and kind of hated it
it was a little heavy and wide for my tastes, didn’t really impress me at all besides its finish

personally i use old ■■■■■■■■■ 2007) undersized yoyos so i have a very specific taste, but I’ve used a Sleipnir before and loved its weight distribution, and despite it being WAY too big for my hand i like the way it played. but thats a very over priced throw imo, and so is the supernova

i will not touch one drop. everything I’ve used from them is way too damn heavy for its size

I’ve used the protostar/northstar and I’ve gotta say its a good yoyo for its price, if it comes in good condition. I’ve also heard good things about the yeti despite its price.

Protostar, shaq star, and severe

Surge and classic are both incredible.

YYF Shutter is downright awesomesauce.
OD almost anything really.
I felt the Summit was worth every penny I paid for it, as well as the prestige and the rally.