Whats the best school trip you've taken?

Wow!! ME TOO!! Thats so weird! Is it a trip run by Educational Tours or what not?

I um… Don’t normally go on school trips.

Homeschooled and all that junk.

But we do skiing trips and such.

So it’s official: I get to go to the Cook County jail in Chicago on February 27th!

I used to live in cook county :stuck_out_tongue:

And soujourn to the past, a trip to gettysburg, monticello and DC and other places.

I just went bowling for a field trip that was awesome!

im going in april, its my reward for learning chinese for 9 years now :p. Im going with my class, we have exchange students coming on the 15th of February.

my 5th grade trip to Point Bonita for 2 weeks. really fun. did a lot of hiking and learning about wildlife and such.
my highschool senior trip was to WILD WATERS!!! yay…jk is was the biggest disappointment of all time. I didn’t go.

are you homeschooled?

the best ive taken was the minnesota zoo sleep over ;D

When I lived I California, I went on a field trip to Legoland and seaworld during my 5th grade school year.


I just went to Washington D.C. for a couple of days…

Shoulda visited me!

Where were you???

Well, as the main object of a school trip we had in europe we visited Auschwitz I and II, Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück. For those who dont know, they were concentration camps during WWII.
It was definitely not fun, though i doubt i’ll ever forget it.

no we went bowling for the children’s cancer foundation.

Sounds a lot more fun than going to visit a county jail. ;D

It’s the biggest jail in the country…how can I not go?