Whats the best school trip you've taken?

I just got back yesterday from going to the Catalina Island Marine Institute for 3 days :smiley:
Water was so cold, luckily we had really good wet suits…

I get to go to jail this semester…

Uhm, well, uhm, k?

It’s for sociology, what’d you expect?

Uhm, well, uhm, k?

why, what type of school takes their students to a prison,what lesson will this teach you, and good luck with those prisoners.
Anyways the best Felid trip I been on was to the movie theater with the whole school

Sociology is the study of social structures, and you have to study people. So jail is a great example

Long Lake Conservation Center in mid-February - as a chaperone for my son’s 5th grade class.

Medieval times. 5th grade

Well I get to go to china in April for 2 weeks

I went to Atlanta and visited the CNN center, turner field, and went to the world of coke.

That’s Coca Cola Right?

Anyways, I went to Pennsylvania which about 4 Hours away from where I live and we went to Hersey Park

I got too sleep over a a zoos aquarium for one night with my friends!

probably not the other one is a lot of fun.



I Have bin to the Franklin institute one time it was real cool in Philadelphia remember I live in maryland so that was pretty cool.

What do bins have to do with the Franklin Institute?

what!! Can I go with you? Lol

New York And Philidelphia in one trip, a couple years ago in AIG. (Advanced program)