Hello all! Tomorrow night I will be leaving on a 10 day trip for my U.S. History class. I was wondering if there are any yoyo stores or comic book stores or just anything I should definitely go to! Saturday we are just driving. Sunday is the same except going to the Hershey chocolate factory Monday we are gonna be In Philadelphia. Tuesday we will be in New York City! I’ve always wanted to go there :') Wednesday we will be somewhere call Sturbridge Village. Thursday we will be at Plymouth, MA and also at the Natick Mall. Friday we will be in Boston. Saturday we will be at a Minuteman National Park. Sunday will be Niagara Falls. And Monday is just driving back. And also if anyone is near any of these places and wanna hang out, just pm me on here! Thank you to everyone who says what I should see!
Can I come?
i don’t think my teacher would like it if random people tagged along. XD
Sturbridge Village is 30 minutes away from my house. ;D I also went there a loooong time ago for my 5th grade field trip lol. Boston is the best so that will be enjoyable for you. Have fun!
Hershey’s factory is meh.
Or at least it is to me. I live 40 minutes from Hershey, so I go there a couple times a year for the amusement park, or just go with friends to the factory. But overall, it isn’t very exciting unless you go in the amusement park.
The whole trip sounds awesome, so have fun
Didn’t get to go to Hershey’s my class stopped and ate pizza too long so we missed it
oh well. Thank you all!
I think she’d be cool with it.
Just left Philadelphia! I was so excited to see the pub from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia until I learned it’s in Los Angeles. New York tomorrow. So excited!