Whatever happened to Twitch77?

@twitch77 glad to read your words. We all just really wanted to say hi. Keep on checking in one way or an other


Id probably have burned out my enjoyment as well if I were to co-host a trick a week event and stick to it indefinitely. After learning most of the basic and intermediate tricks, I like learning at my own pace. And heck, I know enough tricks to just pick up a yoyo and throw for a half an hour without feeling like im just doing the same thing over and over (unless I want that feeling, then im gonna do the same thing over and over just because I can). Forcing yourself to learn new tricks just seems stressful and unnecessary, unless you want to compete and I dont. Ill learn tricks when I want to, and enjoy my yoyos with the tricks I know. Im in for life, I can’t see ever not yoyoing ever again.


Every day… But you know what? Some days I dont throw, sometimes weeks… But I keep coming here.
Those people give me the energy not to give up, even you. When I joined this forum you were one of those who motivated me. And seeing you active still makes me happy. The whole point of any hobby is not allowing than to be bigger than you and your hapiness. So if I’m struggling a lot. I came to read some post, while drinking a cup of tea, look for some controversy thread to make me laugh and life goes on. Once you connect the hobby you like with people that makes you happy, there are no motive to give up.
Keep it up man, and still showing, you are already part of this family and I feel that I will soon be :smiley:


Time for a trick a day? It’s supposed to be a simple, relaxing hobby, keep it so?


He’s still around… he’s been less active on the forum, but he’s still managing the TaW private threads.


You too my friend. Keep active.
Btw, how you doing?


Busy, tired and stressed. Still throwing every day though, some days more than others. Didn’t do this week’s TaW… yet. Last week’s was really fun and I like how easy it is to throw that picture combo into a larger combo. Also finally got that Kharisma slack trick down from a couple weeks ago.

Really enjoying throwing lately, but more to relax than anything, so I’m not too focused on learning new tricks, but I get to ‘em eventually anyway.


Well, I cant say I’m happy for you, since you are busy, tired and stressed. But good to know you can relax and have good times with your yoyo. It’s always nice to talk with you, I keep wondering how is your hair today, and in my imagination it’s not combed and I feel embraced.
Hahahaha jokes aside, I wish you have a terrific week. Take care man.


:rofl: :heart:

I actually got it cut, so it’s pretty short.

Thanks bro. You’re a good dude, always like hearing from you. Cheers


Danm, I really liked your hair.


That’s really nice to hear…old man :wink:


Just a random thought… @ryanmcg became a great friend to me over the months I was active. We’ve chatted quite a bit through pm’s. Not sure why I’m sharing this. I have a lot of admiration for the middle aged but totally old at heart dude.



Miss you being around bro, but I get needing a break.


Good to see you’re still kickin’ twitch :wink:


I could not be in greater agreement. You’ve summed up exactly me.


If they are like me, there is only so many times you can post “what I got in the mail today” and talk about string before it gets too repetitive. I’ve been on a break for a few months with only occasional checkins. After a while I will come back and do it again.


Having ADHD I sort of live my life this way, except I just roll with it. I used to be worried when I felt myself losing interest in something I truly enjoyed but in my experience everything I was ever truly passionate about I always found my way back to. So to me it’s like when the seasons change, I just look forward to the next one and when it comes to the activities I enjoy I stopped stressing about chasing holding onto interest and just take advantage of my hyperfocus while I have it. :call_me_hand:t3::yo-yo:


This can actually be a benefit in some sports/hobbies. In rock climbing it’s known as the ‘Reminiscence Effect’. It happens after being on, what we call, ‘the sharp end’ for an extended period. Often for me it was on road trips/vacation where I went and pushed my limits for a month or longer. Then came home totally spent and mentally frazzled. I would just chill for a couple of weeks and begin to worry I was getting weaker only to go out climbing and be a beast with new found technique and power. This effect can continue even over months. In a climbing book it talked about how the brain gained all this new data but didn’t have time to store and sort it efficiently yet. During the time off, it had time to do this and the benefits were quite noticeable.


Reminiscence is defined as a gain in performance without practice. When subjects performing trial after trial without rest (massed practice) are given a short break, perhaps midway through training, scores on the very next trial will show a significant improvement when compared with those of a massed group given no break. Reminiscence effects are most prominent in tasks demanding continuous attention and response. Reminiscence also manifests as a bilateral transfer of skill (e.g., from the left to the right hand), suggesting that this phenomenon is controlled by the central nervous system.