Whatever happened to Twitch77?

Besides the weekly trick thing……… I don’t see him posting?

Or…Moonagemin for that matter🤔


They probably needed a break after learning so many tricks so fast. I’m sure they’ll be back eventually.


Yeah, you are probably right🤔

I’ve been lifting weights lately, so I told my Boss I won’t be in because I’m already tired…

I can see how learning yoyo tricks ………’and’ posting here and there might be very debilitating.

I didn’t think of that😳


Actual yoyoing can make you hate this hobby.

It’s pure collecting and hoarding that keeps me going.

Sometimes I bust out a new speed combo and then bang I end up hating my yoyo and want to quit. I have to buy like 6 high end titaniums to negate the effects and ease back into it.

So yeah, I see the truth in that.


Hahaha, same here :joy::v::raising_hand_man:


Sometimes life just gets in the way. People come into the forums and then take breaks from the forums…


This is all so true, and sometimes the truth hurts. Now I’ll just go scourer the international auction sites looking for that next sought after gem until the next Titanium drop, as my pre-orders can’t get here soon enough to keep up my interest. FYI @twitch77 there is a Green Mowl Q currently up on the Japanese Mercari site, though it looks aqua in the pics, however, Mowl has never released a Q in aqua yet :thinking:


Rumor has it that he is off of social media as he prepares to run for governor.


Forum breaks are real, I’m still on a reef2reef/nanoreef hiatus…gotta stay away from those pricey animals and voodoo water care routines, yoyos are easier to care for! Although, my reef is still vibrant, I just don’t keep up on forums about it.

Cool story though, sold an old tank/aquarium to someone who decided to buy it from me because of my reef2reef review of it :upside_down_face:


Doubtful. I am the Dean of a University and I still have the time to post up now and again.

Never too busy to be even busier.

Contact me at M.Y.O.W.N. Institute.


Hey guys :slight_smile: thanks for thinking of me.
I knew this would happen. It’s a VERY frustrating life long pattern of mine. Any of you relate with this?
I jump into a new hobby…and I go BIG. I often over spend, and my whole life revolves around the hobby. I’m super pumped about it and I can’t get enough of it.
I’m highly enthusiastic and typically join social groups like forums and am very hyper and fun and everything.
Then slowly I start to struggle with the hobby. I can’t play a chord cleanly on a guitar, I can’t bend notes on a harmonica, I can’t figure out how to get my camera to do what I have in mind, I can’t ger pass a certain boss in a game, I can’t land a yoyo trick…etc etc.
And it eats at me. I start to take it personal. I get angry…I put so much of myself into the hobby, but it’s not enough.
Then my enthusiasm starts to slowly deflate. I try to stay fun and pumped up…but by this point my attitude has fundamentally shifted.
At some point…I just quit. And it’s always black and white. One day I’m SUPER into the hobby…then the next I never think of it again.

It’s very frustrating. I’ve always dreamed of sticking with one of my hobbies. I’m convinced I could get pretty decent at things if I knew how to not quit. And I seem to quit right as I’m starting to show some promise…like I’m right at the verge of making a breakthrough.

Any of you experience this?


I’m still holding on to hope that one day I’ll jump back in. I love this hobby and the community as a whole is amazing.
I only throw occasiinaly now…but I have zero desire to sell off my :green_heart: collection (62 greens atm!).


Sounds like that character from the movie Orchid Hunter. Before he was into orchids, he was into tropical fish and then one day he said “F___ fish.”


Sad to hear Moons isn’t active :frowning: I :heart: Moons. Such a cool guy.


I think we all experience what you described in our own way. It’s nothing to apologize or feel bad about. Interests ebb and wane. We are not the sum of the intensity we apply to our hobbies.


@twitch77 Yoyoing is a hobby? I thought it was just something to do between the moments of insanity. Could your issue be to much green? It might be something to consider for certain! LOL

Try being less green! (There’s a potentially political loaded comment :rofl: )

In the end it just yoyoing let it be what it is for you, just pop in on occassion and banter with us.


Haha I burn out in most hobbies I have tried so I get it, most importantly glad to hear you are well!


Nice to see a post from you again @twitch77 !

I think @MoonageMin still floats in every now and again


Yep, he does…


Oh I feel it…I’ve had so many forum breaks (considering I’ve been a member here for 11 years…). Forum breaks have often come with hobby breaks too. Most recently I have taken a small break from learning anything new or doing actual throw sessions as I’ve just been too whooped from work and I went from the dog days of quarantine and doing nothing at home to now running around at work, running shows, cleaning up things back stage, prepping for an upcoming food festival, and working on a ton of stuff at home (graphics stuff) in preparation for opening up the new waterpark at my job…mentally, my brain just can’t keep up. I still pick up a yoyo, still take one (or 3) to work but when breaks come, I elect to just sit and chat with my coworkers. I have noticed a slight dip in my accuracy/play as I haven’t been pushing as much but it’ll come back. It’s not just yoyos, I’ve been really hit and miss playing any of my game systems too.

In the past, I’ve had more of just actual ruts where I felt like I wasn’t progressing and in general temporarily lost interest…usually something will come up and trigger my interest in playing again, be it a new yoyo release that catches my interest or I just see a really cool trick on Insta. Haven’t purchased a yoyo in a while but that changed as of this afternoon, also looking at YYF’s 44 that’s coming up.