What YYF yoyo is your favorite and which YYF are you Throwing?

Alex Hattori. Have you tried 5A or 3A with it?

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Poalista plays well.GenXs was mentioned here, I like it quite a bit. small enough to carry everywhere, no sacrifice in playability.


Lot of folks have hit all the big fancy pants YYF throws. So I’m going in a different direction:

Punching above its weight answer: Protostar. Still one of the best price to performance yo-yos that has come out, even if few people give it half a thought any more. Really set the bar for what a plastic yoyo could be.

Retro answer: Confusion. This yoyo is mid-school yoyoing evolved for recent days. An absolute joy to throw if you are looking for a responsive metal. I’ve often wondered why it wasn’t more popular.

“Got $10 in your pocket?” answer: Legend Wing. If you’ve got any interest in fixed axle throwing, there is no better place to start for $10 than the Legend Wing.


Like the snack?

I like ball bearing yo-yos, so the ONE, but I appreciate your opinion.

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Gotta also throw some love in for the BiND. Love the shape of the ND (and have considerable love for the 6061 ND) but the BiND just feels like the magnum opus of that line thus far. Still need to get my hands on the Damage at some point.

After that, it’s kinda hard. I love my Bi-Shutter but it’s a “when I’m in the mood for it” throw. Same with the OG Shutter (the 2013 version, not the modern one). And I’m actually rather fond of the Meerkat but it keeps getting overshadowed by other throws.


I agree. The BiND can handle anything you throw at it, but it does hurt my finger after a while.

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Yes maybe just a very little bit wider. Overall close in size.

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Afraid not, just 1A.

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Macro, Pragma, and any of the Alex Hattori yoyos,


Give shutter steel a try! Also VERY nice.


is it smaller or larger than the 66% shutter?

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It’s about 7 mm larger in diameter

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Anybody have a hold on the new bimetal color-way or the kapital?!

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Did u guys hear about the new sky dancer?

The center track is fine in it, but I really like it with a KonKave!


Metal replay, nd

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Yes and yes…

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metal replay? That yoyo is long gone!