What YYF yoyo is your favorite and which YYF are you Throwing?

OG Superstar and OG Supernova… :grin:


I would go for Horizon Ultra :wink: super smooth, weird shape but super fun to practice with, now testing diferent strings on it.


I really like the Ti888 and the skyline that came out last year. Skyline is a great priced hubstack yoyo, I’d highly recommend getting one if they were interested in hubstack designs and the small size suits it well.

The Ti-Dream is also another great one. I managed to pick one up on the bst last year that was loved pretty hard and it’s a fantastic yoyo to take rock climbing, bouldering or base jumping without worry, I’d imagine. Full of power too with a string friendly shape.

Lots of love for the good old Legend Wing too. Great beginner yoyo for fixed axle play, especially with the lacquered ones, I think the weight of the finish helps but could be wrong. I was throwing one earlier today!

There’s lots of fantastic throws from the factory, too many for just one post.

Also, they’re one of the best for b-grade bargains.


This guy, is from 2009 I think. No clue what the name is. Has a comparable shape to the MYY N12


Either the Edge or the TiGenesis.


I really like the Nightmare, even though I wouldn’t recommend for everyone. It’s narrower than most yos being made today and the profile is a bit harsh, but its really nimble and powerful and I always enjoy playing with mine.
The Edge is another one that’s great all around.


I have quite a few YYF throws in my arsenal of throws. My personal favorites though would probably have to be the Edge Beyond, OG Edge, Edge Infinity as well as a couple of the classics including the GenXs (Yuuksta, still actually want to get a Yuuksta one of these days) and the Skyline.


Edge fan? Evan fan?

hows the edge infinity compared to beyond in play?


tons of power and stability. It was used by Evan in 2019 worlds. He used one of the 2 prototypes.

Feels a little lighter/more float. Both have a crazy ton of power.

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Shutter, and the Shutter 66% even when you shrink it down it still is a great shape.


about the speed, stability, etc is it about the same? hahaha

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Neo Genesis

Its definitely not my best performing yoyo, but I just love the feel of it. Its been my daily workhorse for a while and I just ordered another


edge and edge ultimatum got them for xmas they are incredible


I own every version of the edge, I’m something of an Evan fan boy since his 2018 worlds performance is what really got me back into throwing. The two most recent edge models are truly special. The Edge Ultimatum is the one that I keep going back to, it has a unique feel to it, all the performance you could ever want, and I love the way it feels on the string and how floaty it feels. It really is the ultimate of the edge monometals. The Infinity is the same for the bimetal edges, simply incredible.

The Will feels like a high end Japanese bimetal in the same way the singularity and ex machina do.

I’ve never been too excited by any of the shutter series, but I really love the American. I love it enough I bought a second one just to show my support, and I wanted to have one to keep at the house and one at the office. I also continue to be impressed by the budget BiMetal, easily my recommendation for an entry level bimetal.

My long term favorites are the Ti 888, 07 small bearing 888, grind machine 2, hubstacked genesis, mutant DNA, and the Ultra DNA.

I have great love and respect for YYF for their incredible products and for everything they do to support the community.


I like the flame the edge ultimatum and the damage

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In the future I plan on getting the Shutter Wide Angle.

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Is the GenX a rebranded Yuuksta? If so you might’ve just saved me some money lol

And while the DV888 is certainly not my favorite, it’s a fine yo-yo that can take a beating and keep on trucking, never understood the hate it gets and I don’t remember it being hated when it first came out either.


I think people unfairly compare what YYF does to the modern boutique/high end market of yoyos. For the most part of what ive experienced from YYF, their yoyos are like the high end of affordable yoyos. Their designs are just obviously the work of experience, and aren’t held to such a high QC standard that has to jack their prices sky high for offering it. Im impressed with how well my wangle and 1.5 Edge hold up to the competition, and equally impressed with how exactly the Canon can be a good 5A yoyo but also hold it’s own as a nice 1A yoyo (just as it was intended).

But then my favorites from them are still the most expensive. One of them is the Butter. I really appreciate how it takes the soul of what I like about the Wangle, compresses it, and adds a power and stability that doesn’t take enough away from the nimbleness of the Wangle to be a significant detriment. I honestly think throwing these two in tandem while comparing and contrasting them will teach you about how good YYF is at making/refining yoyo designs.

The other favorite of mine is unapologetically the Ti-888. I say “other” favorite, but this is my pick. It is better than the 07 888; it is also better than the Skyline that was supposed to be the 888’s successor. I almost want to tempt blasphemy by removing the hubstacks on one of mine to see how it plays competitively as a mid-size organic (my favorite type as it might be), but hubstacks are just too cool.

Honorable mention to the Loop 720. Practicing with other slower 2A yoyos might be easier, but the 720 has probably the most consistent response ive ever seen in a yoyo.

Honestly I haven’t tried any other YYF than a Replay Pro. If it isn’t 2A or 0A (which is ruled by wood), I generally have a strong dislike for plastics, so im not going to say it is a favorite; since it isn’t, though I don’t hate it like I originally did. Id love to try the Horizon, Marco, Bind, etc as I imagine they are also as tuned as the other YYF yoyos ive had, but I usually reach for more expensive yoyos that appeal more to my taste, and find myself having to restrict my spending.