What yoyos would you keep?

All my general yos… Especially my klr, and my Yyr Messiah.

I hope not to sell any, with a few exceptions:

I have a few “extras”. For example, I bought a used dingo to try one out. Then I saw one in a colorway that was more appealing to me , so I grabbed it. I’ll probably sell the first one. Same thing with a skywalker. I bought one, and then found one more appealing a few days later. The first one will probably sell.

I also have a couple of yoyos I had the seller throw in to sweeten a deal, just to try them out. Some of these I’ll keep, some I may let go.

As for the majority of the collection, I hope not to have to sell it. But like TA says, you never know…

If my earning power drops suddenly and unexpectedly, they will be sold if it means eating, or keeping my house. I just hope I can keep on the path I’m on, and I will keep them.

Lat yoyos to go (as of today):

Attune and MaxBet. Right now, these are the 2 that seem to speak to me louder than the others. They’re not my best yoyos, they’re the ones that resonate with me a little more than the others so far. This will probably change as my skills grow.