So what is the one yo-yo that you would never trade away. It doesn’t have to be your best yo-yo or your favorite. Just the one that means the most to you. I’ll start,I’m going to say my hitman. It was my first yo-yo that wasn’t a cheap plastic and I learned so much on it.
Hm. I’ll have to say my Lyn Fury for sentimental value. Otherwise, I’d never say that I’d never trade away a yo-yo, because I’m sure there will be better yo-yos in the future that I may want.
VK - Gift
G.5 - Gift
Luchador - First Metal, totally awesome
Peak - Totally Awesome
DM - I can’t imagine not having it, even though it doesn’t have a bearing.
Radian Super Light - Too long of a story.
It’s all banged up now and stuff but it means a lot to me. I’ve been through so much with it and it has gotten me to where I am. (I’ll get an eXpert DM eventually, but so far my AUldey)