I don’t think he’s ever won using those yoyo’s.
I will go through who used what for 1a worlds as far back as I can
2002 Yuuki Spencer won on a bionic freehand 1
2003 Johnnie DelValle won on a yyj Hitman
2004 Mickey won on a yyj Speeder
2005 Mickey won on a yyj Speeder
2006 Mickey won on a yyj Speeder
2007 Yuuki Spencer won on a yyf 2007 888
2008 John Ando won on a yyf Superstar
2009 Shinya Kido won a yyrc Sleipnir
2010 Jensen Kimmitt won on a yyf Northstar
2011 Marcus Koh won on a turning point positron
So as you can see yoyoers prefer many different types of yoyos ranging from $35 all the way to $190
Not to be overly nosy, but I’d be interested to know what Mickey has been using at the Japanese nationals AND at Worlds since the last time he won Worlds. Mainly, he’s been coming out with additional signature throws and I’d like to see if he’s been using them.
The variety clearly shows that the player finds what works best for them.
I pretty sure that he used the meteor at 2008 and 2009 worlds and in 2010 and 2011 he used the phenom but im not a hundred percent sure this is correct
If correct, I find it it kinda strange to come out with a new signature model and not use it in major competitions. Then again, go with what you know, right? In a competition, it’s time to use what you feel will be your best match, regardless if it’s not your latest signature model.
in 2002 yuuki spencer did not use a dm v1 the dm came out in 2004
he won 2005 nats with it
in 2002 yuuki spencer did not use a dm v1 the dm came out in 2004
he won 2005 nats with it
Oh sorry. It was a freehand 1 my bad
If correct, I find it it kinda strange to come out with a new signature model and not use it in major competitions. Then again, go with what you know, right? In a competition, it’s time to use what you feel will be your best match, regardless if it’s not your latest signature model.
A lot of signature yoyo’s are just business moves to sell more product.
yoyos used to win championchips just get more credit… almost every underatted throw out there has never been used to win contests really. except the new breed- eric koloski!!!
In skateboarding you can buy blanks, or you can buy signature decks and support the sport, videos, competitors, pioneers, innovators and leadrers. With yoyo it is no different.
Signature yoyos are a way of sponsors to put money directly back into yoyoers hands. Hopefully one day yoyo will have a thriving competitive scene where players can be true professionals and make a living off yoyo play. Until then they can make some money to support the time they put into yoyo (the practice, the travel, the time off work for events) from signature yoyos.
To contribute to the original question, Genesis, Boss, 888, G5+, Skyline, Severe, DNA, loop900, G5, Superstar, Offstring, Catch 22, Replay, Supernova, Protostar, Northstar, MVP have all been used by competitors who placed in the top 10 at usa nationals in the last 3 years.
If im not mistaken, thats all YYF right there
This years champion yoyos at the world contest were (I think):
1a. Turning Point Positron (not out yet but you can pre order from Marcus Koh on facebook. $175 for a normal positron and $190 for the Kill EVERYBODY signature Positron)
2a. Raiders
3a. Duncan Echo
4a. No idea
5a. Yoyojam Ai
This years champion yoyos at the world contest were (I think):
1a. Turning Point Positron (not out yet but you can pre order from Marcus Koh on facebook. $175 for a normal positron and $190 for the Kill EVERYBODY signature Positron)
2a. Raiders
3a. Duncan Echo
4a. No idea
5a. Yoyojam Ai
That is a very cheap yoyo you have thar 0.o
wonder how it plays… starry look in eyes
This years champion yoyos at the world contest were (I think):
1a. Turning Point Positron (not out yet but you can pre order from Marcus Koh on facebook. $175 for a normal positron and $190 for the Kill EVERYBODY signature Positron)
2a. Raiders
3a. Duncan Echo
4a. No idea
5a. Yoyojam Ai
2a was won on loop 900s and 5a was won a destiny this year
If im not mistaken, thats all YYF right there
Its ben from YYF, what would you expect?
But its true that many YYF model has used to won competitions. Not sure about domination though.
To the OP, I understand you’re feelings. I have on similar condition myself as so many throw on want list and soo little cash to blow. LoL
Its a safe method to look up what yoyos that were used to won competitions as a top position on you’re want list.
Another safe method is too look up review that I believe you have done already.
If you can go to a meet or contest. Hat would be great opportunity to find a yoyo you like.
I won’t mind sending you my whole collection to try before you send them back, but I believe that won’t be feasible for both of us.
As for the original question, I believe jayyo has nailed it with raider. On 1A world I think its the Dark Magic by YYJ. But keep in mind that yoyo tricks has evolved soo much since the last time DM used to won any competition.
good luck then
As for the original question, I believe jayyo has nailed it with raider. On 1A world I think its the Dark Magic by YYJ. But keep in mind that yoyo tricks has evolved soo much since the last time DM used to won any competition.
With a statement like that such as yoyo tricks have evolved so much since the last time a DM was used to win a competition, it sounds like you’re talking about a yoyo becoming obsolete or dated. To a certain degree, I can follow that kind of logic. I mean, the starburst response/o-ring, that seems kinda strange to mix responses, but I started in 2011 doing this and starting with a DM2, well, obviously, it’s an evolution of the original DM. It’s got a 2 in the name, which means something came before it!
But, short of that sort of thing happening, what can cause a yoyo to fall out of favor competitively? Are there trends in yoyo?
Clearly, some yoyos don’t need to change to stay “relevant”. The Yomega Raider has been around quite some time and I don’t see it going away any time soon.
So, it seems that within the competitive circuit, the DM2 has fallen out of favor. It seems the trend is more towards smaller throws. Doesn’t make me like it any less. Then again, competition isn’t in my future, not just because I’m new, but because I’ve made a decision that I’m not interested in competition because that’s not why I got into this.
But, how would yoyo as a sport evolve to the point where it would make a yoyo out of date? It can’t just be a response system, because a working response sytem is a working response system. So it has to be more than that. I’m just looking to gain more knowledge here.
Thanks studio, I really like positive comment.
On my point of view, no yoyo can be out of date, every model is unique.
If not, no one would still droll for original bapezila, 07 888 or anything, I still want a K-OS myself.
But our tool has evolved, it has to be because we try to push them further.
For the DM, for me the DMII are tweaked version of the DM.
Why shod it tweaked?
To meet up the trend yoyo community is having.
Is there any trend on yoyos?
As far as I know, yes.
Material has change. Finishes has change (anno, etc). Response has change. Almost everything.
On 2A world, these trends don’t quite visible. It seems all have been done with our modified shape tools. But simply not enough. If not, YYF won’t have made the adjustable gap for looper.
Can an older yoyo, on a skilled person hand perform as good as a high end yoyo can?
Of course
But on my understanding, higher performance tool need lesser energy to reach high performance condition. In such situation less energy is needed, so the spare energy can be use to other benefits. On yoyo, hit harder trick for example, hit harder angle, and thus our tool has evolved further, and much further.
Off topic, but you’re typing speed amaze me studio. To put such thought as fast just extraodiniary.
…But, how would yoyo as a sport evolve to the point where it would make a yoyo out of date? It can’t just be a response system, because a working response sytem is a working response system. So it has to be more than that. I’m just looking to gain more knowledge here.
None of the yoyos mentioned going back 5 or 6 years have really gone out of date. They’ve just fallen out of favor. The guys on laxdude’s list of the last 10 World’s winners were all sponsored players. Let’s say you’re a business man. (business does not always = evil ;D) There is not as much money in yoyos as you might think there is, so you can’t waste any. You’re sponsoring a well known, well respected player. You’re going to pay to send him around the country to demos and contests. Airplanes, hotels, meals, the whole deal. Why, becasue he is the best advertising you have. Do you want him using your 5 year old yoyo? No! Even if it’s still good enough to win. You want him playing your flagship yoyo. Or even better, your soon to be released yoyo. I have nothing but respect for YYF for “letting” Kimmett use a $35 yoyo in '10. I hope they sell thousands of them.
I agree. Business doesn’t necessarily equal evil. And I also agree that yoyo’s don’t have HUGE market share or profits.
I mean, if we take two identical chunks of aluminum and machine 2 yoyos out of it and they both end up removing the same amount of material and weighing the same… well, why don’t they cost the same? Must be yoyo math I know there’s more to it than that.
So, it does make sense that you put your money into the people who are out there and going to get you the best and most attention for the least amount of money. That’s called smart business. From what I understand, most of these companies making yoyos, they are mostly making something else and the yoyo stuff is a side thing, so it’s clearly not a mainstream industry as we’d like to think.
TV commercials for yoyos isn’t cost effective or even smart right now. It’s too niche and too small a market. Internet ads are a waste, because of the same reasons. This is largely an area where those who are interested seem to seek it out, which is nice as you aren’t wasting money and efforts by trying to market and advertise to people who could care less.
Yoyos can’t win champions, they have no ability to move and I’m pretty sure they don’t have disposable fingers.